> Is Bill Mckibben, so loved by the supporters of AGW, simply just another Rockefeller stooge talking for money?

Is Bill Mckibben, so loved by the supporters of AGW, simply just another Rockefeller stooge talking for money?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Al Gore's father as well as him, got big money from Occidental Petroleum, that same company that benefited from the Teapot Dome, (thanks to the Clinton Gore admin), that same geologic feature that scandalized a previous president, but US corruption has grown enough to swallow a Teapot Dome scandal.

Well, either

1) The Rockefeller oil barons hired McKibben to attack their industry or

2) You are clueless because your "research" is based mainly on crackpot blogs, not facts.

Only the Rothschilds can finally say for sure, but they are in cahoots with Big Oil too.

It's enough to make the Man in the Moon wish he lived on hallowed ground.

Bill McKibben? Who cares? The only "supporters" of the AGW are the commercial interests that are lining up to exploit the Arctic region as soon as enough ice melts for them to do so.

Once again, you are asking a question about someone that I have never heard of. Now that I know his name, I understand the reason I never heard of him - he has nothing to do with climate science.

This Sierra club member and considered the leader of the grassroots movement is actually a total fraud like Al Gore. His website 350.org was funded directly by The Rockefeller's themselves (funny how these clowns say they are concerned about the planet but bend over for their oil money from the Rockefeller family). He is good friends and is who inspired Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient truth(emphasis on con). So already he fits the bill of a modern day "saviour" of the planet. He is making good money simply going around and singing from the AGW song sheet(written by Rothschild and Rockefeller) collecting check after check. Of course like all these puppets being used like laundry baskets they all love talking eugenics and genocide.

Why is it that ALL these faces in AGW which see the public eye ALL seem to have the same opinion and the same Orwellian Nazi solutions? They all want eugenics, they all think AGW is catastrophic? You would think one "environmentalist" would have a separate opinion. Well this is simple "money talks.....bull$hit walks". The fact that ALL these faces say the same thing tells you they are all being paid to say the same thing.

This guy has been a Rockefeller stooge since the late 70's when he graduated college. He was groomed for his role by the Rockefeller's and in all seriousness could give a flying F about the environment and AGW. Just a paid propagandist the Rockefeller family brainwashed. Obviously if the bankers and big time political families were the only ones talking we would not believe. They pay these stooges to make you think it is some average Joe who came out of nowhere to simply "fight for our freedom" by "saving the environment". Do yourself a favor and quit supporting this liar and criminal.