> Help starting my essay?!?

Help starting my essay?!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I always have trouble starting my essays. I have one due tomorrow I don't know how to start. Its an evaluation essay about global warming. Help please!

One criteria is planetary temperatures.


There has been little warming in the past decade plus, well below model forecasts.

Another is the tropospheric hotspot, which has yet to materialize, but is predicted by models.

Another is ocean heat, which is a better measure of global warming, as the ocean's heat capacity is so much more than the atmosphere. Models again come up short here, but at least they can maybe point to some warming in this metric, though somehow the warming is in the deep oceans without warming the upper oceans.

I would start by saying Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax. You can talk about the global warming pause that has occured for the past 16 years or so. You can talk about how the temperature records has been adjusted (past temps adjusted down, current temps adjust up) to fit the rhetoric of the global warming alarmists. You could talk about how global crop production has gone UP during any supposed global warming and how deaths from natural disasters has gone DOWN. You can talk about how alarmists are now talking about "Climate Change" because the planet is not warming as fast as they had predicted.

Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012 ICE Accumulation on different parts of Earth. My Global Teams from all walks of life ran experiments on the location of Global Warming==( Results of this find. I had Global Teams in all ICED areas and when my Teams came upon what the Russian Drones discovered, but did'nt know it. We later checked it out and all iced areas stopped melting and immediately froze. This is how we knew we had the right location.) My teams ran my experiments in 2008 and I had them implement a process until my teams were fired upon, so I pulled them out. Global Warming was located inside the Russian Farms, So I had my Teams implement my Global solution around their own continents. Global Warming was actually an ALIEN Organism. In 2008 earlier, I proved to 350 million people and all the scientists that Ex- President Bush hired to find the cause and solution of Global Warming by useing a safe experiment, so each could do it themselves and see with their own eyes that our environment was safe and not the cause of Global Warming. In 2011 I sent the Russian Embassy my Triple Output to implement to feed their people better and in 2012 they implemented my Triple Output that grows 4 times more food per farm, per year than whats being grown now anywhere else in our world, so they implemented it and at the same time turned off Global Warming. Now all 4 seasons have returned to the same weather we had in the 1970's before Global Warming. I'm Global Command= we're all civilians from all walks of life that only wanted to return our seasons back to normal naturally and thats what we did. I= as Global Command am an AMERICAN living temporarily in or near Raymond, Washington state. Have a nice day. Global Command.

Over the years, there have been numerous theories and scientific evidence pertaining to the evolution of global warming.

Smart waiting til the last minute What r u supposed to evaluate exactly

Watch this, you will have all the information you need from some of the world's top experts, from the skeptical point of view.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I always have trouble starting my essays. I have one due tomorrow I don't know how to start. Its an evaluation essay about global warming. Help please!