> How many participating in Yahoo Answers Global Warming section are still confused about the blocking function?

How many participating in Yahoo Answers Global Warming section are still confused about the blocking function?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Dookster is only blocking other informative answers and therefore "closes the blinds" on the "sunshine of infinite intelligence". He obviously believes in a dictatorship rule for all of his questions where he controls the answerers for his own benefit. I believe that's how Adolph Hitler ran his Government.

I find it funny that he believes in 'scientific facts' when science is not about facts at all. It is about studying things and bringing a scientific conclusion based on the information obtained. How is it that climate science gets away with presenting conclusions based on their limited (freely admitted by climate science) knowledge? Only the Dookster knows I guess.

He obviously has limited intelligence as to what he believes to be true.

I can't read his questions unless I change to the mobile site and I do not like using that one but I was unblocked long enough to realize I'm not missing out on anything. I recognize tuning out opposing views allows you to fell better about your position, specially when it's based so loosely on reality, but it only helps reinforce his delusions that "bad weather is caused by man, but while we can't prove that bad weather is caused by man and concede that bad weather has always occurred, the scientific consensus is "while this looks like just bad weather there is a possibility that this weather would probably not have occurred were it not for the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and since we are scientists the mere fact that wte make this statement makes it true until it is proven untrue, and besides we said probably and possibly, plus since the possibility exist that CO2 is causing bad weather then we must conclude that simply wanting to reduce the amount of CO2 will make a difference and if it doesn't atleast we should try to try for the children."

I find it telling that dook insist NOBODY is blocked from reading his questions based on his own perception of reality and not actuality. But of course perception is reality.

I'm not. What are you, the Y/A policeman? I'd like to see some identification, please.

EDIT: You two have a little hissy fit going on with each other and it is growing tiresome for me, at least. I'm not the type to block or report, but this personal stuff is just turning this category into spamtown. You seem to be making the most effort to perpetuate it at this point by playing question cop. Is it possible that a miracle could happen, you and your nemesis could call a truce and get back to the issue of climate change and its causes?

No but I would like to answer his other question

Where is the ice-albedo feedback effect stronger, the Arctic or Antarctica?

The Antarctic ice circle is bigger, at a lower latitude where solar radiation is stronger, so albedo more there.


I invite anyone here to read the FULL ADDITIONAL DETAILS of the ORIGINAL version of this question before Sagebrush stole it here. That original posting also addresses why the remarks of Sagebrush, "in fairness to Y!A," repeated from the umpteenth time in this umpteenth stolen question, are an offensive deceit that is part of a massive and deliberate attempt to sabotage this category, confuse people, and spread ignorant lies about science. Under the new YA set-up, NOBODY is blocked from READING a question and its additional details.

Herewith the link to that original question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...

Please tell me who Hey Dook has blocked who is 'qualified' to answer that question as opposed to people he has not blocked

Another day, another lie from Sagebrush and his childish antics.

Edit: Wow Sagebrush. you post a question, I post a question in response, then you merely restate my question while telling me to read the original question which was what my question was questioning. Good job at going in circles. My original point was, 'qualified' is not the word you are looking for.

Why repeat the question, when the original was a waste of time? I can see you repeating real questions about global warming, but this question was just stupid.

Yet another one of VI's idiot questions. He has everyone blocked who is qualified to answer the question. So in fairness to Y!A let us open it up to all.

In answer to the question: I am not confused.

Although you asked if anyone has read the community guidelines. I have but apparently you haven't. You are supposed to answer the question, which often you don't.

You are not supposed to rant, which often you do.

I won't hog the board though and let others comment.