> Why are taxpayers forced to subsidize corn ethanol when it is actually more toxic than regular gasoline?

Why are taxpayers forced to subsidize corn ethanol when it is actually more toxic than regular gasoline?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

It never was about saving the earth. Wealth redistribution is the main stay of Communism.

Interesting article, that made me do some googeling...

"Gasoline currently leads to roughly 10,000 premature deaths in the United States annually from ozone and particulate matter. In our study, E85 increased ozone-related mortalities in the United States by about 200 deaths per year compared to gasoline, with about 120 of those deaths occurring in Los Angeles. These mortality rates represent an increase of about 4 % in the U.S.''

Ethanol combustion in an internal combustion engine yields many of the products of incomplete combustion produced by gasoline and significantly larger amounts of formaldehyde and related species such as acetaldehyde. This leads to a significantly larger photochemical reactivity that generates much more ground level ozone. These data have been assembled into The Clean Fuels Report comparison of fuel emissions and show that ethanol exhaust generates 2.14 times as much ozone as does gasoline exhaust.

So without doing anything else switching to E85 would increase premature deaths from car exhaust in the US to 10,200. People might say that these aren't huge increases in deaths we're seeing here, My response would be that I don't think 10,000 deaths a year from gasoline is a good thing to begin with. There are technologies we can use instead of any type of combustion engine that would result in no tailpipe deaths, such as battery-electric vehicles whose energy can come from wind or solar power.

Even if we do continue to use ethanol, the effect of E85 on air quality is almost uniformly positive, with the exception of increased emissions of aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde. Conventional catalytic converters control these emissions in ethanol blends of up to 23%, and it is expected that they could be readily adapted to E85 blends. A test of advanced emission control systems in three conventional gasoline vehicles found that advanced systems reduced formaldehyde emissions by an average of 85% and acetaldehyde by an average of 58%

So while E85 is not the cleanest fuel in the world. Regulatory agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the California Air Resources Board will have to keep on top of this issue to make sure things don't go awry. And if you have such a dislike for tax subsidies, lets start by taking tax subsidies away from the fossil fuel industry.

Quotes by Sagebrush (a self proclaimed Christian and ardent AGW denier) :

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA"

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch!"

The Lear Jet Leftists expect to form the core of the global Green Inner Party. They will continue to enjoy the finest foods and most advanced gadgets the world has to offer -- while deciding your fate for you.

If you work very hard and show them your unwavering loyalty you may be permitted to join the global Green Outer Party. You will be allowed occasional servings of meat - and air conditioning on a rationed basis.

The rest of us will eat beans and swelter – ‘for the good of the planet’.

"But based on what we currently know, ethanol is at least as bad to public health as gasoline, and possibly worse." Possibly worse? This is a far cry from, "it is actually more toxic than regular gasoline." The only way to stop the toxicity is to stop burning carbon based fuels altogether. Are you saying you are willing to do that? You know you can start right now, right? Have you done so? I thought not. NONE OF US IS WILLING TO DO WHAT IT TAKES TO END THESE PROBLEMS. The solution is simple, but not easy.

:"Why are taxpayers forced to subsidize corn ethanol when it is actually more toxic than regular gasoline?"

So many lies, so little time.

Ethanol is less toxic than gas - to say otherwise just reflects appalling ignorance. Go look up the SDS of each - it will only take you a few minutes. Or you can try an experiment - try drinking both

The use of taxpayers money to fund production of ethanol from maize started with President Reagan - it gives taxpayer money to big agricultural groups with high paid lobbyists. It is a US thing & is of no practical benefit - Brazil produces ethanol far more efficiently than the US can but US impedes imports of ethanol with high punitive tariffs - so much for the US thinking competition is good

Do your homework than post something truthful - this same nonsense gets regurgitated every few days

"I think the warmons are right on this one, it's only more toxic because the government requires that we add toxic chemicals to the blend or be arrested for making moonshine."

Nooooooooooooo......there are no toxic chemicals added. Denaturating additives used to include pyridine and methanol but only low toxicity one are used now such as MIBK or denatonium benzoate

Why use an infantile term such as warmon ......... its high school chemistry

I think the warmons are right on this one, it's only more toxic because the government requires that we add toxic chemicals to the blend or be arrested for making moonshine.

Because alarmists are idiots and the people who swallow their rubbish are even more idiotic than they are.

Also appears to mess up internal combustion engines.


since manure like water flows down hill so

does short sighted government policy.

until it meet the money lobbies.

they then control behind the doors of government.


Scientists assured us that corn ethanol would be cleaner for Man and the environment, only to discover that it is actually more toxic than regular gasoline.

We are paying $Billions in taxpayer-provided subsidies/welfare to poison ourselves???

Doesn't make much sense to me. Your thoughts?


Because it helps in creating food shortages and helps drive up food prices.

Because the greenies can then say "We are trying to do something" irrespective of how ridiculous it actually is.

See my:
