> Congress is working on legislation to address global warming - what would you like to see included?

Congress is working on legislation to address global warming - what would you like to see included?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'd like to see a carbon tax--either revenue neutral (or nearly so), or starting out very small (think enough to add, maybe, $.05 to a gallon of gas), then ramping up slowly over the next, oh, 20 years. Failing that, I'd like to see some kind of cap-and-trade scheme for CO2-producing industries, with the cap gradually lowering every year.

I'd like to see funding for alternative energy research, and programs (maybe low- to no-interest loans) to help individuals, communities, and businesses make transitions to existing alternative energy, and/or conservation (eg installing solar panels, replacing light bulbs with LEDs, increasing insulation, etc)

I'd like to see an end to any subsidies, preferential funding, and/or preferential legislation for coal and oil. And I'd like to see natural gas only get any preferential treatment where it is either bio-sourced or being used to replace coal or oil.

I'd like to see stricter standards for the allowable mileage of car companies' total fleets, explicitly including passenger light trucks. Within the next, oh, 10 years, we should be able to reach the point where the average new passenger vehicle gets at least, say, 30 mpg, especially if we figure in things like electric cars...

I'd like to see an end to corn-ethanol subsidies (which are generally stupid and counterproductive) in favor of funding actually useful biofuels, like cellulosic ethanol and algae.

I'd like to see funding for increased mass transit in cities, and an expansion of our passenger rail network. I'd particularly like to see this in "car culture" megacities like Phoenix and LA, where it's nearly impossible to function without a motor vehicle.

I would like to see a fifty year plan and a hundred year plan: to address the energy corporations control of our economies. Take it away from them and return the planet to the preservation of resources we all need. Instead of benefiting the immortal legal entities holding the working man in chains, reinstate the self determination so mired in penalties and regressive taxation.

A formal acceptance of the science behind AGW, a recognition of future uncertainties and proposals to reduce the dumping of CO2 from the combustion of fossil fuels into the atmosphere we all share.

Commune camps for nut jobs who want something done about global warming. Once the rest of us see how well they are doing and how much better the weather has gotten we can join them in utopia

Anything that don't cost more money and makes the working man go broke.

Licensed and restrictive use of hydrocarbons in the flight and motor industry. That is people going substantial distances for no good reason should not be allowed.

First stop the EPA from unconstitutionally legislating from the executive. Defeat Obama's war against domestic oil and gas production and pipeline construction. Defund the EPA if necessary. Put an end to the Obama's killing of our energy sector before there is a viable replacement. The problem is we have a bunch gutless bureacrats running Washington and they are fat on stealing our money as well as borrowing from our future generations. That has to stop. Pretty soon we will be funding China's military because we allow a teenager to get a hold of a credit card and he can't stop spending. Anybody in their right mind can see it is a recipe for disaster.

Before they go doing things that will dramatically impact the US's and the World's economy, they should understand this.


I'd like to see a full on support for natural gas resource expansion and research for alternative energy vehicles like hydrogen powered.

1. Plant more Eucalyptus

2. Give even more money away.

I would like to see them fix the economy. That is a real problem.

They don't have time to propose a budget as they are constitutionally required to do but they do have time to repair a fairy tale. Do you see some logic there?