> Is addicted dishonesty the driving force of epidemic of anti-science questions here or just a secondary factor?

Is addicted dishonesty the driving force of epidemic of anti-science questions here or just a secondary factor?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I suspect it's actually kind of a feedback loop thing.

Denialist posts honest-for-them question. That is, something that they genuinely think is true, and that bear some resemblance to the facts. The realists on here tear apart their argument. They try a new argument, without necessarily worrying about whether it's 100% true. That gets torn apart, too. They get further and further from the truth, as their arguments keep getting torn apart, until everything they have to post has virtually no bearing on what even *they* consider to be reality.

No. They just believe Fox News and the Koch bros. front men.

When so many people present them with contrary facts, they begin to panic.

It is a symptom of the same thing that is responsible for their selective stupidity and learning disabilities. Deniers represent some remote dark corner of the Human Bell Curve where thought processes are controlled by primitive brain biochemistry and remnant evolutionary genetics.

Addicted dishonesty is being generous. They are like drowning men grasping at anything they feel can save their beliefs. Sad really, but they have always fallen back on being bullies and cry babies.

More like blind ideology. Sadly many do not know they are lying and beleive wuwt