> Deniers, do you actually believe people like Neil deGrasse Tyson are paid liars and people like?

Deniers, do you actually believe people like Neil deGrasse Tyson are paid liars and people like?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Rush Limbaugh and the Koch Bros are completely honest and trustworthy?

Tyson; Net Worth: $1 Million

Limbaugh: Net Worth: $370 Million

Koch Bros: net worth more than $100 billion

People who think that scientists are being bribed into accepting AGW... really don't understand science, or scientists.

I can buy that there might be a few scientists who could be bribed into saying something false. Maybe even, say, 10% of them. But you don't get a scientific consensus from 10% of scientists with dodgy evidence for what they're saying. You get a scientific consensus from honest scientists who can back up what they're saying with loads and loads of evidence.

When you use the term 'denier' you instantly lose all credibility and you obtain cultist status.

I believe the true science and evidence which clearly shows global warming as make believe and pure 100% political propaganda. Climate cultists just talk nonsense, come on tell us again how paying 5 times more for everything and relocating industry to the far

East can control the weather. Ha ha what a joke warmers are lol.

Gary F SCIENCE !!! don't make me laugh lol. no warming for 17 plus years whilst co2 levels have risen-game over. You see soft lad, it needs to ACTUALLY get warmer for you to even have a starting point for your nonsense doesn't it ? You can't even show warming after adjusting/fiddling the figures to hide the decline which means it's probably globally cooling if anything. You are an anti science political propagandist


I’m sure you’ve observed that deniers will believe anything that could in some way be used to bolster their argument. Conversely of course, they systematically reject anything that opposes it.

Take for example the temperature records. If they show warming then it’s rejected out of hand – the data are fudged, readings are unreliable, stations are poorly located etc. If it shows a levelling of temps then it’s accepted without question.

Similarly, scientists publish data showing ice is being lost from Antarctica faster then before., it instantly gets rejected for any number of reasons. If on the other hand, a politician with no scientific experience at all, states that Antarctica is growing then this too will be blindly accepted as fact.

Whether it’s Limbaugh the Koch Brothers or anyone else is really of no consequence, as long as they say that climate change isn’t happening or it’s exaggerated or it’s beneficial etc then it’s good enough for the deniers.

All too often the familiar cry from the deniers is that anyone supporting the tenets of climate change is lying. It’s the easiest cop out as it requires absolutely no contrary evidence. If deniers had evidence they’re produce it, instead there’s a reversion to unfounded accusations and name-calling.

A true sceptic would listen to what was being said, absorb and comprehend it, then provide a rational and considered counter argument backed up with reliable evidence. But how often have you seen this?

So I want to know how many people out there are a million years old because the earth has its own natural cycle of change and this could all be just a part of its own cycle. Nothing stays the same the earth is al ways taking care of itself and we are just along for the ride. I would rather have global warming than another ice age anyways.

Pindar --

>>When you use the term 'denier' you instantly lose all credibility and you obtain cultist status.<<

When you claim to "believe true science" even though you are ignorant of "real science" it not only justifies the use of the term Denier, it also justifies calling Deniers what they are - liars.

I thought there was some myth about scientists being ethical creatures only searching for the truth, but then some people say he is funded by big oil and so on, what difference does that make all scientists are funded from someone, except those who are retired now, all are paid.

Tyson is not being a scientist, he is being an ACTOR he is repeating lines scripted by someone else.

sometimes even "smart folk" are fooled by the hype

Are they being paid to lie? No. But academics ARE on government payroll. They're government subsidised so of course they are wrapped up in pro-government positions. It doesn't have to be anything as explicit as a bribe to knowingly lie, its just within the sphere of government influence. I mean do you think the fact that academics are funded by the government doesn't sometimes affect their objectivity? Even unconsciously? I'm not saying this means global warming is false, all I'm saying is that there is so much money being funnelled into this by BOTH sides, that the objective truth is completely unknown.

He doesn't have to be a liar to be wrong.

Check some of the denialist responses, like that of Ian. He starts by talking about Al Gore, who was not even mentioned in the question. And then he goes on with ad homs against Michael Mann, James Hansen or Phil Jones. And they were not the subject of this question, either.


There is nothing moral about global warming denialism. Denialists are taking the risk that the worst case scenarios could be right, and millions of people could die, so that they can continue to drive massive SUVs and have accidents in their pants when toilets back up at nuclear power plants.

Rush Limbaugh and the Koch Bros are completely honest and trustworthy?

Tyson; Net Worth: $1 Million

Limbaugh: Net Worth: $370 Million

Koch Bros: net worth more than $100 billion

Gore is a blatant liar who is solely in it for the money, as are most politicians and bureaucrats. I suspect quite a few climatologists make a decent wage off of "Global Warming". I would not trust Michael Mann, James Hansen or Phil Jones on anything related to climate change. They cherry pick, adjust and "lose" data and won't stand for any dissent of their religion. This is not science. Science is based on skepticism and adjusting your theory when data goes against it, not adjusting the data to fit your theory.

I think some of you need to grow up.

I don't know who Neil deGrasse Tyson is so I don't know if I believe him or not.

I know what Deniers are now. They are the people with whom the people who adopted the moral high ground have chosen to disagree with.

Trevor is giving us a demonstration of psychological projection.

The questioner seems to be relating financial worth to veracity. It is no wonder some people don't follow the "correlation is not causation" concept.

Gary F thinks he is showing us that his brain really is as big as a planet. If only academics who progress up the ranks in their profession realised the relevance of "local maxima" that could be instructive.

Tyson, the charmer that he is, is still a blatant liar.

He's not stupid though, he wouldn't be in favor if he went out telling the truth, he would be ostracized.