> You can grow plants in a sealed glass jar?

You can grow plants in a sealed glass jar?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
These are all chemical reactions. For chemical reactions you do have exchange of energy, but no change of the mass.

Ahh, sorry read your 2nd update. I think you are correct there.

The Earth, to large extent, is like a sealed glass jar, just a much larger jar. We lose some gases permanently out the top of the atmosphere and we gain some mass from meteorites every year, but these are proportionally quite small.

Obviously some plants can survive for decades in a glass jar, if there are the right mix of nutrients, microbes and water in the soil. If you don't have the right mix, they will probably die immediately. If you have the wrong type of plant they will probably die immediately. For every sealed jar where plants have survived indefinitely, I'm guessing there are a hundred others where they haven't.

Yes http://www.youtube.com/results?search_qu...

Yes... but only some plants can grow in such conditions. Like Epipremnum aureum.

yes, there are some vegetables which can grow without mud, just by water & solar power.

yes it can be done there are some plants which can make use of solar power only...

and they just recycle water and nutrients http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608030162177294792&pid=15.1

all they need is light, okay this is not exactly global warming, but I was wondering if all they need is sunlight is it possible there could a transfer (no matter how minute) of energy to matter going on here?