> How can their be global warming when it is so cold out here in Pittsburgh and much of the USA right now?

How can their be global warming when it is so cold out here in Pittsburgh and much of the USA right now?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I saw this headline on the link below but it is freezing out.

Seriously, why the global warming talk?


one more time: Global, not local.

There is no Global Warming, that is why 2013 was a tie with another year during Solar Max, by Global Warming projections, 2013 should 0.3 to 0.5 degrees warmer than it was.

It was all a big scam to raise our taxes. They wanted to blame human emissions of CO2 for the warming and tax us all into the poor house. But the small amount of warming that happened over the last several decades was NATURAL and NOT caused by human activity.

But the Warmists behind this scam have already raked in hundreds of billions of our tax dollars over the last 30 years --- it's well past time for that to stop.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Some places will be cold and some will be hot so the average is used you can click the following link to see that 2013 was tied for the 4th warmest year globally http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201...

It is winter in the northern hemisphere, and summer in the southern hemisphere. Over 35 degrees Celsius here for about a week now ... so therefore using your logic global warming must be true because Australia is warm at the moment.

Global warming/climate change has nothing to do with it, this is changes in weather patterns it has happen before several times, see here http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/01/21/se...

As for 2013 being tied for fourth place that may be true, but since 1997 there has been no statistical rise in temperatures, this last decade may be some of the warmest, but the facts are warming has stopped, has plateaued out, and may be on the point of declining (cooling) while CO2 emissions are escalating

You do realize that "global" means more than Pittsburgh, don't you? I also live in the U.S. and we've had record warm temperatures for weeks now. It was 79 at my house today. and the sun didn't come out the whole day.

The temp. varies on different parts of the East Coast. For example, it could be hot and sunny in NY while in Florida or something it is -999999 degrees.

Would you like to buy a globe of USA?

In third grade you can learn the difference between "there" and "their."

Good luck. In four more years you'll be old enough to legally post here.

You know that it's global warming, not USA warming right?

I saw this headline on the link below but it is freezing out.

Seriously, why the global warming talk?


As usual you Yanks fail to realize that the USA is not the whole world. No wonder we think you are all idiots

Pittsburgh and the USA are not the whole world.

I like Jenny answer.... I will add this is the difference between "climate", "weather",and "global".

Seriously - I wondered when the next Con moron would ask this incredibly stupid "question"!