> Is this evening a warm, fuzzy, cozy night for Londoners? How about 6 degrees C?

Is this evening a warm, fuzzy, cozy night for Londoners? How about 6 degrees C?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
@Jeff M... "Usually, during this time of year, it's snowy and below freezing in the part of Canada I am"



It doesn't seem that out of whack with historical temperatures or snowfalls. I'm not reading the charts with your "Glo..bahh...ahhhh...ahhhl warming" glasses though.

Ever heard of a batting average in baseball?

A batter with a high batting average can still strike out often.

Striking out doesn't make his high batting average something religious.

As you might see from 30 seconds with Google, "global warming" refers to the long term CLIMATE of the whole globe. It is like a lifetime batting average.

The temperate this week in England or Italy is WEATHER. Weather is like how many hits a batter gets in single game.

Learn to differentiate

(a) calling what you don't understand "religion"


(b) not having really learned basic grade school statistics.

Lots of people here in this category of YA make such mistakes, but most of them seem to have been influenced by the anti-science dogma of climate science deniers.

Its going to be like that in Kansas City after sunday night

It's 3C here and sunny and evening. today it got up to about 7C-10C. I went for a walk along the seawall today in a t-shirt and jeans. Some there were even shirtless. Usually, during this time of year, it's snowy and below freezing in the part of Canada I am in but it feels like spring. 2013 was also the warmest year on record for Australia. How does your religion mesh with "You can't base global temperatures on one day of temperatures in one area of the world"?

GW isn't a religion. Since you think it is, then obviously you don't know jack about AGW Are you a wannabe denier.

6 C is weather and it is as simple as that

Global Warming? How about 6 degrees Celsius in London England? Polar Vortex attacks the Northern hemisphere? Italy? How about +1 Celsius in Italy tonight? How does the religion of Global Warming mesh with reality?