> How can we stop the disgusting waste of Taxpayer $$Dollars on ridiculous Global Warming research grants?

How can we stop the disgusting waste of Taxpayer $$Dollars on ridiculous Global Warming research grants?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You can't. This is a scam by those deeply entrenched in power. They are making money on this phony research and gaining political power.

Look at linlyons answer, "Not nearly the disgusting waste of Taxpayer dollars as the fossil fuel industry gets." In 2012 Exon-Mobil made $28 Billion. During December of that year Obama gave the UN $100 Billion for GW. That is just the US alone. Australia kicked in another $100 as did other countries with smaller amounts. The fossil fuel industry provided energy to make our lives better. What did we get for all that money we gave to the UN? NOTHING!

Quote by Tom McElmurry, meteorologist, former tornado forecaster in Severe Weather Service: “Governmental officials are currently casting trillions down huge rat hole to solve a problem which doesn’t exist....Packs of rats wait in that [rat] hole to reap trillions coming down it to fill advocates pockets....The money we are about to spend on drastically reducing carbon dioxide will line the pockets of the environmentalists....some politicians are standing in line to fill their pockets with kick back money for large grants to the environmental experts....In case you haven’t noticed, it is an expanding profit-making industry, growing in proportion to the horror warnings by government officials and former vice-presidents.”

Do you honestly think that people like Al Gore, George Soros or Maurice Strong are going to willingly give up that gravy train?


Here is an article where Germany spent $110 Billion to delay GW 37 hours, even if GW was true. Ha! Ha! Someone got rich off of that! Money down a rat hole and there is nothing you or I can do about it. You have too many people like linlyons and Climate Realist who goes along with that scam and probably on the dole to boot!

Here is one of the fish that we are "saving"

The Sonora Sucker (Gila Sucker),[1] Catostomus insignis, is a medium-sized catostomid fish with 16 other species in the genus scattered throughout North America. This species is remarkably similar in appearance to the Yaqui Sucker (C. bernardini).

That is the scam that environmentalist fascists play. They play us all for suckers. They pretend that these species that are isolated in small areas are endangered. They use "$cience" to attack industry and development.

There is a flower loving fly that lives in Riverside, CA. There are other flower loving flies, but because this one is endangered, we have to spend millions on trying to protect it. I like flower loving flies as much as the next guy, probably more, but sometimes species go extinct. It is a poor excuse and abuse of the endangered species act.


I remember I was barred from hiking in one of my favorite trails because I might interfere with the mating of the Southwest Arroyan toad. I must admit that I am not an angel but I would not even consider interfering with a mating toad. I was just walking up the trail, not the creek. Again abuse of power.

When you give bureaucrats power, it corrupts, and when you give them money they piss it away. Our EPA and $cience bureaucracy has grown so large that we waste billions of dollars on useless garbage, much of it used by politicians to try to justify removing a little more of our freedoms.

That's a good question but let me go off topic for a sec. For the last 3-4 months i've been earning $400/day cheating at online roulette. There's a step-by-step video guide on youtube that taught me how. Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ1EkL8pt...

Vote. That is how democracy works. But if your ideas are not supported by the majority of other voters then you can't stop it. Unless you can talk enough other voters to agree with you and vote with you. Or you can set yourself up as a dictator and force the people to do your bidding. If you have the power.

Cutting the Defense Department funded research on climate change and stream fish that you find so very "wasteful" would have paid for about the first 5 minutes of Operation Elect Bush in 2004 by Invading Iraq in 2003. Where were your "questions" about waste then?

You can't. Although I sometimes get mad at all the money we're pouring down the drain on global warming if it wasn't this it would just be wasted on something else.

I would save some money buts it nothing but a itch to the debt .

They get paid for making up stuff

save money

The cost of ignorance is much greater

Not nearly the disgusting waste of Taxpayer dollars as the fossil fuel industry gets.

Let's defund the "warmers" source of data. Shut down all the weather stations.

Vote OUT Democrats and other Commies.
