> Why is it when we have a lot of hurricanes it is proof of global warming but this year, the quietest since 1983 proves n

Why is it when we have a lot of hurricanes it is proof of global warming but this year, the quietest since 1983 proves n

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Is climate change the kind of "science" where only observations that support your theory are counted.

The frequency of hurricanes are expected to decrease or stay the same while intensity increases. The only area where hurricane numbers are a determination of global warming is in the media. On the other hand more powerful hurricanes and storms, changing storm tracks, regionally increased precipitation or drought, and so on are expected to occur in a warming climate.

Because the lack of hurricanes is also proof that so-called "global warming" is real. An these facts can only be determined after the fact occurs. Once something happens, "scientists" determine that it was caused by so-called "global warming". This way, they're never wrong.

I don't know about hurricanes, but you have to examine the hockey stick graph. The hockey stick graph jumps all over the place, but overall it trends upward (or downward, depending on what it is representing). Just because one particular year didn't go as alarmists (people who actually know what they're talking about with climate change) predicted, doesn't mean anything. What matters is the trend, which overwhelmingly supports global warming.

Where in the world did you get that Hurricanes is proof of global warming? The problem here seems to be that you don't understand what you are asking.

Your question is nonsense. Nonsensical questions cannot be answered.

This is a fantastic question, and I say that respectfully as a strong believer in "anthropogenic" or man-made climate change.

The last time I checked, by reading Christopher Mooney's book "Storm World," the climate scientists were unsure of whether "global warming" would mean more Atlantic hurricanes or fewer of them.

However, the mainstream view is that while climate change may cause "wind shear" effects that keep most hurricanes from forming, those that do form have a good chance of getting bigger & more destructive. Why? Hurricanes are driven by energy, and the energy is provided by the evaporation of sea water followed by the rising of moist air laden with water vapor into high altitudes, where the water cools and falls back toward ocean (or land) in the form of rain, thus releasing energy.

The hotter the surface of the ocean over which the hurricane is passing, the more evaporation there's likely to be. That means the more water vapor will rise to high altitudes, and the more the water vapor will turn into rain as it cools, releasing energy that drives the hurricane and makes it more destructive.

So far, the huge and destructive monsoons that have struck Japan and Pakistan this season could be interpreted as demonstrating this process in action.

Meanwhile, of course -- all hurricanes & monsoons aside -- this year has seen a record wildfire season in California, brought on by California's record hot and dry weather. California's wildfire woes, and the problems of drought and record high temperatures that are driving the wildfire problem, are another indication that -- yup -- "global warming" aka "global climate change" is unfolding just as the eco-pessimists have predicted.

Thanks for asking, anyway

-- retired environmental journalist / began writing about climate change in the 1980s, based on US government reports

actually global warming would mean fewer hurricanes according to actual scientist

the only people who blame hurricanes on global warming, are ubber liberals, who do not have a clue what they are talking about

2. storms are created when cold air meets warm air, be it tornados, thunder storms or hurricanes

global warming actually means fewer storms, since global warming would increase the temp of the northern regions

meaning less chances of a cold air mass hitting a warm air mass

"Warmists" have discovered that global warming causes Artic ice to both melt and reach new record amounts, global warming causes both floods and droughts, global warming causes both more tropical storms and less tropical storms, global causes both colder and warmer winters, global warming causes both cooler and hotter summers.

In fact, since the "Warmers" have found, in their studies, that global warming causes every weather related event known to man, we are going to be in a hell of a fix if the earth ever enters a period of global cooling......because if all weather events are caused by global warming, we will have no way of recognizing any events caused by global cooling.

We are doomed by the "Warmers".

Here it's 3 degrees higher right now than the all time record.

Because global warming is pseudoscience, and all of pseudoscience is based on bogus reasoning such as selective analysis of existing evidence.

Hey we must manipulate the global warming hoax to fit the liberal anti-capitalist agenda.

Junk science is provided by greedy government paid scientists that have a political agenda.

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Is climate change the kind of "science" where only observations that support your theory are counted.

Pretty much. But it has become more like a religion than a science.

Thats your version of the truth about this serious mishap that could be protected if people like you would open your eyes or close your pockets.

Why do morons think they know more about science than actual scientists?