> Could someone give me a summary of global warming?

Could someone give me a summary of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The main driver of climate is the Sun and details of the Earth orbit. But in the last 50 years or so, the Sun has been putting out less energy, but the average global temperature has risen. The details of the rise are consistent with the theory and lab data that predict global warming due to the 40% extra CO2 that we have added to the air.

I suggest you do some online searching for sensible answers you are unlikely to find many sane answers here.

Okay I will try, while CO2 lets in short wave radiation it reduces outgoing long wave radiation, which could cause some warming through less heat leaving than entering (although it always has to balance eventually)

The ongoing debate is how sensitive is our climate to CO2, and the answer to that is no-one knows for certain, because they cannot isolate the CO2 effect from natural climate causes.

Even the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) can only come up with a estimate of 1.5C to 4.0C for a doubling of CO2 to 800ppm, and many scientists believe it is less than 1.5C.

Basically although there probably will be some warming, we do not know enough to say if it will be damaging or beneficial.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.

Capitalist industrialization must be punished for contributing to increased CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the environment, that has caused the eaths global temperature to increase. The amout of the temperature increase is very small, and the CO2 causes a green house affect that traps heat energy from the sun in the atmostshere.

Basics cows fart the ozone gets smaller as it has for years before it could be checked but the planet changes to compensate so expect sun ice and love fellow man

First, keep in mind that Kano, and several others say it's not warming, or if it is, that is not a problem. Check out wikipedia, nrdc, nat geo, etc.


Its the Globe (Earth) getting hotter (warm) term "Global warming" more every year. affecting the normal climate. resulting climate change. there you go.. summary.. :)

Warming that is global.

Pollution. Rises up and massacres the ozone layer. Sun sees that **** and slips through the protective ozone layer. Everything gets gradually hotter (look, I said GRADUALLY. It can still be ******* freezing), and it messes **** up.

kano cannot explain venus properly.

try climate.nasa.gov