> Has there been recent global cooling? In the last few days?

Has there been recent global cooling? In the last few days?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The denialists would certainly like you to say so. They claim that realists don't have enough data to say that Earth is warming because of us, but because of short term US weather, they want to force us to drive gas guzzling SUVs and to have accidents in our pants whenever toilets back up at nuclear power plants.

It is called global warming and not Connecticut warming for a reason.

Even if the world is on average warmer, there will always be some places cooler than normal. Always. The only way to know about global warming is in the numbers. All the millions of temperature measurements from all over the whole world averaged over many years.

It has been getting colder the last few years because of diminished solar activity. Global warming became climate change when it started getting colder.

The temperature differences you notice from place to place and day to day are 10-100x the change we expect to see in the global average over a 50 year period. It about like the difference you would see in the height of a random sample of Japanese people vs the change in the average height of those people due to improved diet in the 50 years after WW2.

What a bovine fecal matter question, coming from a confirmed warmist/alarmist, this amounts to lying from you, by asking such a question you are showing how little integrity you have.

Today you say you are doubting global warming, but tomorrow you will be answering questions, scorning and insulting anyone who genuinely doubts global warming and misleading those who are not certain about what is going on.

linlyons, you say: "solar activity hasn't changed" --- REALLY? That would have to be big news to NASA. You better get them on the phone.

David Hathaway, head of the solar physics group at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. says in regard to the current solar cycle: "I would say it is the weakest in 200 years," http://www.sott.net/article/268618-Stran...


It gets cold at night and warm again the next morning. Therefore taxes on gasoline are a Nazi-Commie plot.

Come on Lin, you know that is weather. It is a good parody of the people who waste our time pointing out the weather in Buffalo, and in the lower 48.

Have you guys noticed how one side of the earth experiences extreme temperature drops every day as the sun sets?

Explain that warmists!



I'm visiting Connecticut, from California, and I notice that it seems much cooler to me today, than it did a week ago.

Does that mean that a global cooling pattern has begin?

Do we need to address cooling, possibly by burning more coal?

Is this going to be a huge problem in the coming decades?

I might point out that until today, I strongly believed that global warming was happening.

Is this sufficient evidence that I should change my mind?

I mean, there was some snow on the ground.

That almost never happens around the San Francisco area.

Does this indicate that the entire world has entered a cooling phase? ;)