> With the polar caps melting at an alarming rate and mountain glaciers on the retreat, why do conservatives still deny cl

With the polar caps melting at an alarming rate and mountain glaciers on the retreat, why do conservatives still deny cl

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because they are afraid of change. They are afraid that not using fossil fuels means not driving, flying or heating and lighting their homes. But clean energy, such as solar, hydro and nuclear power can do all of these.

Well first Global warming and cooling have been around longer than man made co2s its been a lot hotter in the past when man made co2s were not around and what % of co2 is in our air less than 1% do you know the difference between a ice cap and glacier ,Ice shelf and where is the most ice on the planet . Read the first reports on Climate Change and did the seas rise and the snow stop falling or did the temps clime what they said would happen did it ? Its very hard to find these old reports the un now only offers 2012-2014 as they gloat they have been right in the past lets see the reports, out right lying about sciences .Knowing the truth comes from looking at both sides or you can just believe the lie based on a lie if your not part of the solution don't become part of the problem.

You ask: "

With the polar caps melting at an alarming rate and mountain glaciers on the retreat, why do conservatives still deny climate change?"

Just where do you get your information....Al Gore?? Someone has been feeding you a line.

Why are you telling lies?, Antarctica just hit an all time record of 20 million sq Km, Arctic ended up with the same amount of ice as last year, only the volume is up, Global sea ice is above average

Polar ice caps are not melting. There's more ice at the south pole then measured since records were first kept, and more ice at the top than there was just 2 years ago.

You're right on one point, global warming is political, and has nothing to do with real science.

Conservatives do not deny climate change. They only know that it always changes with or without human involvement. Only dupes think that humans are having more of a negative impact on the planet than they are helping it.

5 trillion trees can take in 48 pounds (each) of CO2 every year on average while each tree produces enough oxygen for 2 people every year. Humans produce about 5 pounds of CO2 through fossil fuels each on average (35 billion tons of additional CO2 produced (by human induced fossil fuels) divided by 7 billion people every year). The planet is more CO2 starved than anything else. 48 pounds is just the trees.

Why do you think that temperatures have remained steady for the past 26 years while atmospheric CO2 has risen by over 10%? http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/u...

It's sad that you are so propagandized. Especially since the truth is so easily found about the man-made Global Warming SCAM.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

Note Zippie's math error: 35 billion TONs / 7 billion people is 5 TONs per person.

I am really amazed at the ability of propagandist, paid for by Big OIl and Coal to convince people of a conspiracy. Somehow 10,000 scientist lie, but a few dozen, paid by Big Oil, are telling the truth.

It's "alarming" to three kinds of people: 1. Scared, weak, unstable people, who are afraid of their own shadows. 2. Con artists that prey on scared, weak people, to sell them carbon credit certificates. 3. Con artists who seek to promote fear, for the purpose of expanding their power to control people with. Us Conservatives can see what the scared people and the predators are doing, and we're DISGUSTED by it. The planet has been changing it's climate for millions of years, and it is perfectly natural, normal and healthy, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Mother nature is in on the socialist hoax

Jello is obfuscating between arctic and spth pole and conviniently omiting volume/thickness

The koch bros, faux "news" and dopey lushbaugh tell them to.