> Argument against carbon markets?

Argument against carbon markets?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
State three of the main arguments for resisting carbon market mechanisms (e.g., cap and trade, carbon offsets, REDD) as solutions to climate change

It is a scam. Al Gore has tried to do this and has made a lot of money from it. Of course Ole Al got in on the ground floor and skimmed his profit from the top and left investors holding the bag. Real nice guy, that Al Gore!

Since the dollar has been weakened, other forms of currencies are being evaluated to make the world standard. What happens when this occurs is you have a lot of vultures like George Soros who manipulate those markets to their advantage and thereby strip the many countries of their wealth. George, one of Hitler's henchmen, made a killing and almost destroyed the European economy.

Destroying an economy is the first step to a tyrannical type of government takeover. Just look at Germany. A million Marks wouldn't buy you a loaf of bread in 1918. Then what happens next? This opened the door for Hitler who promised hope and change in his own form. And in steps tyranny.

Quote by Maurice Strong, a billionaire elitist, primary power behind UN throne, and large CO2 producer: “Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Yup! Tear it down and then in the chaos build it back up with tyranny.

Those mechanisms you referred to are just methods of getting money out of the peon's pockets and into the people like Soros' and Gore's pockets. It is a shell game. It has no accountability and is designed that way. This is always typical methods of the greenies. 'Give us your money. We are out to save you. Trust us. And don't ask where the money goes!"

COP Page 87, #77

"A separate pool of funding to finance national coordinating bodies through a direct line item in the secretariat’s budget shall be established. Such support shall not be subject to measurement, reporting and verification."

A great formula for a robbery.

1. Carbon credits may be distributed for political reasons. A coal plant may get lot's of carbon credits because of large political donations.

2. Carbon credits may be sold by dishonest people. The person you pay to plant trees might use the money buy an SUV instead.

3. When "warmers" talk about carbon taxes rather than non-tax solutions to global warming, they actually support the "skeptic" argument that AGW is all about raising taxes.

Putting a price on carbon will work .

Curious about what Climate realist would have as a solution..

They don't work, people still use fossil fuels because they need to, they just unbalance the economy,

They can be behind corruption, who knows where the money goes.

They are just another item that goverments can manipulate for greater control over us.

They won't improve the climate, CO2 has very little effect.

State three of the main arguments for resisting carbon market mechanisms (e.g., cap and trade, carbon offsets, REDD) as solutions to climate change