> Is it too late to undo the damage we done to cause climate change?

Is it too late to undo the damage we done to cause climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not much damage has been done. The climate has been warming for centuries. We are in fact overdue for an ice age. Doubling CO2 levels causes the planet to warm about 1.2C. Nature probably has some built in feedbacks to moderate this warming, including that trees will absorb more CO2.

Oceans becoming acidic is not likely as they are slightly basic right now. In addition Henry's law says more carbon will be released from the oceans when the planet warms, thus reducing the acidity level.

If you said rivers and lakes might become acidic, I might take notice because that is a possibility, but because their PH is easily measured and so far it is not happening, they do not mention that.

Our oceans becoming acidic is an impossibility, our oceans are roughly 8.0PH which is quite alkaline, I say roughly, becuase it is impossible to measure accurately, as it varies from place to place, surface to depth, and even changes hour to hour with planktonic activity.

Our oceans contain this enormous buffer of calcium so much so that all the CO2 and all the CO2 available from fossil fuels could not make it acidic and anyway any warming would cause the oceans to outgas CO2 (according to Henry's law).

Soil benefits from carbon, the higher the soils carbon content the more fertile it is, modern agriculture with constant ploughing (tilling) tends to remove carbon from the soil, necessating the introduction of fertilizers.

More CO2 allows vegetation to grow faster and resist droughts better, according to satellite imaging the worlds vegetation has increased (in some places up to 14%) especially in arid semi deserts regions

http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress... this can only be good for our Earth.

We probably can't undo much of what's already been done, and will have to live with the consequences of that. But we could stop doing even more damage.

So you need some lies. I would suggest the IPCC.

IPCC: “Risk of loss of rural livelihoods and income due to insufficient access to drinking and irrigation water and reduced agricultural productivity, particularly for farmers and pastoralists with minimal capital in semi-arid regions.”

IPCC: “Risk of loss of marine ecosystems and the services they provide for coastal livelihoods, especially for fishing communities in the tropics and the Arctic.”

IPCC: “Risk of mortality, morbidity, and other harms during periods of extreme heat, particularly for vulnerable urban populations.”

"Green activists, grant seeking researchers, and self-serving politicians continue to spread climate alarmist lies. Lies based on fiction, not fact. To believe in such unsubstantiated tripe substitutes wishful thinking for logic, and hubris for the humility that science demands of all who study nature. This forces even the worst scientist to the ultimate realization, that nature is always right and science is most often wrong."

~ Doug Hoffman

Some damage, probably yes. But until all the ice at the poles has melted, more greenhouse gases can always cause more damage.

Not yet but making changes takes time, and the corrupt conservative movement keeps getting in the way.

Never vote Republican and learn Science.

the climate has already changrd. we can reduce more changes for future unborn generations. we pay, they benefit. see the problem?

We did not damage anything .

I read something on the news that our activity on this planet will do unreversable harm to our climate. The seas will become acidic caused by carbon emissions, the soil will become exhausted so nothing will grow, plant life won't be able to adapt to rapid climate change, etc.Mother Nature will take back whats rightfully hers.And please note I used the world "Climate Change" not global warming as that is very misleading.