> Is global warming due to Green House gases a myth?

Is global warming due to Green House gases a myth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Thankfully it’ not a myth otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this and I wouldn’t have written it. The mechanism by which greenhouse gases trap heat ensures this planet is habitable, if it didn’t exist then Earth would be so cold that it would be frozen solid and no life would exist here.

Greenhouse gases such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are able to retain heat within the atmosphere, they do this by preventing some of the heat radiated from Earth being lost into space, think of them as being our insulating blanket.

For millions of years the natural level of these gases remained reasonably constant, only ever changing over very long periods of time and never exceeding 290 parts per million by volume. In more recent times our industrial lifestyles have produced so much of these gases that today there’s almost 400 parts per million by volume. By contrast with natural variation, this is a massive increase in an exceptionally short space of time.

Because there’s more of the greenhouse gas molecules in the atmosphere, they’re able to trap more heat, and so the average global temperature increases.

Along the way there are numerous factors that can cause the warming to slow down, to stop or even go into reverse. These are mainly related to changing patterns within the oceans. At present they’re in a negative phase and this is countering the manmade warming, when they return to the positive phase then we’ll have a period of further pronounced warming.

More of a SCAM than a myth. CO2 will cause warming like any other gas in the atmosphere, but it's effect is negligible. It's actually the Sun that drives climate, not human activity.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Yes. Natural global warming is the dominant factor. However, greenhouse gases do warm the planet. A doubling of CO2 is estimated to warm the planet by 1.2C, which would be moderated by feedbacks.

I don't think it is a myth, It was quite compelling initially but then we saw the Vostock ice cores, the dodgey E mails, thermometers badly sited to read high, creative hockey sticks and the lack of predicted warming. Things like that makes us think we are being deceived.

Excess man made greenhouse gases cause GW and it is not a myth. Do you really have so little intelligence as to be sucked in by all the denier propaganda

It's more of a lie than a myth.

There is no gravity. The earth sucks.

Climate science is a myth, and math is a Babylonian socialist plot.

Just the man made kind otherwise it would be very cold .

err....no, its real and happining