> Mt Pinatubo, is the following true?

Mt Pinatubo, is the following true?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Pinatubo emitted the following:

SO2 - 17 Mt

H2O - 96-526 Mt

CO2 - 42 - 234 Mt

Cl - 3 - 16 Mt

with additional 395 Mt of H2O emitted as a result of the melt degassing of water.

"The total volatile emission for the climactic eruption was 555-1190 Mt, of which 90 to 95 mole percent was water."


Emissions from humans equal 9167 million metric tonnes. Multiply this by 3.667 to include the oxygen molecules we get 33615.389 million metric tonnes or megatons.


The amount of CO2 emitted by the volcano was miniscule when compared even to yearly human emissions.

You would need approximately 200 Pinatubo-sized eruptions per year to equal the amount of human CO2 emissions within that time frame.

Wow even jim states Volcanoes emit far more Co2 than humans, sort of leaves you no where to go, with this one does it.

But in the interests of science I'll post again the USGS info on this


The claim that one volcano emits more Co2 than humans do is one of many denier myths (many of which you have tried to use) sadly for such myths the Co2 record extends back beyond the eruption of Pinatubo and it shows no spike in Co2 levels, in more recent history the Icelandic volcano actually saw a small slowing of Co2 because the ash from the volcano grounded the European jet network and their Co2 emission are a solid part of global emissions.

But please feel free to point out any spike you think you see in 1991


I'm sure your retort will be inventive and fanciful and completely free of any real science (as per usual)

It is a myth. Humans emit far more CO2 than Mt. Pinatubo did or all volcanoes put together for that matter.

Edit: As I reread this, I realize I didn't state it quite right. I should have said it in the present tense. Humans are emitting more than all volcanoes put together.

no. in fact Volcanic eruptions tend to COOL the earth for a few years due to SO2 (not CO2) and dust.

Humans emit 100 times more than all volcanoes combined every year.

the volcanoes CO2 and Human CO2 are easy to calculate and measure. Look at the USGS link

As most of the answers have correctly stated, volcanoes are rather small emitters of carbon dioxide compared to humans.

Pat, you love to lie with irrelevant statistics, don't you? The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased about 40% since the start of the industrial age.

If you think you have a valid argument as to why AGW is not important, you should not have to try to mislead people.

Hi Flossie, No volcanoes do not emit as much CO2 as humans do, but as CO2 has done most of it's warming in pre-industrial times, and not much warming capability is left, yes why don't we sit back and enjoy the rise, I think so far AGW has been beneficial.

I do not know why, but Pat seems to struggle with providing you with a legitimate answer to your question. Regardless, here is a link that can answer your question:


There has been a total change in the atmosphere of 0.012% since the beginning of the Industrial due to CO2. That change does not constitute a "catastrophe"!

When the volcano Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines in 1991, it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted in all its years on earth.

Is this true?

If so, why are we even bothering to reduce carbon emissions?

Why not sit back and enjoy the ride, AGW has after all done no harm to any human being yet.