> Cause of pollution by acid rain?

Cause of pollution by acid rain?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to damage of trees at high elevations (for example, red spruce trees above 2,000 feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage. Prior to falling to the earth, SO2 and NOx gases and their particulate matter derivatives, sulfates and nitrates, contribute to visibility degradation and harm public health.

Due to causes of pollution by acid rain forest fires and volcano eruptions can cause acid rain to occur .It causes by sulfurdioxide from power plants, diesel engines and cars fitted with catalytic smog converters intended to reduce carbondioxide output. when factories make pollution it mixes in with the water cycles so,the smoke and water create acid rain pollution.

Develop is not system cause of pollution by acid rain.

Acid rain used to be a problem (especially in Europe) it was caused by coal fired power stations emitting Nox and SO2 eventually the UK was forced to refit burner nozzles to largely reduce Nox, and then Flue gas desulfurizing plants were fitted on all new stations, which very much reduced the problem, some vehicle emissions can also produce acid rain, and high sulfur fuels have to be avoided.

Acid rain is natural. When Upper New York was being scared by acid rain, a group of true scientists took core samples of the earth. What they found out that, that portion of the earth had acid rain when Christ walked the earth. That was before Al Gore or even Pocahontas.Case closed!

acid rain is the example of nature unbalanced,reason of acid rain is today city's pollution.harmful smoke which is formed by automobiles,factories and many sources is very powerful source of acid rain,we should be that we use pollution control equipment for stop this we see many pollution control equipment in trade india.It has a listing of manufacturer and exporters of pollution control equipment.

water pollution and air pollution are caused by acidic rain.