> Who have you blocked ... and why? Also ... ?

Who have you blocked ... and why? Also ... ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hi, Darwinist. The only person I blocked was Trevor's stalker, Trevor ORIGINAL. It was clear the only purpose ORIGINAL had was to attack Trevor personally. Based on what I saw, the attacks were strictly vicious and mean-spirited, purporting to expose personal information about Trevor calculated to disgust the reader. I see no point in allowing someone who clearly has a personal issue with another person a platform to spew only personal hatred.

I've noticed Rio and probably others have blocked me. I don't pay that much attention to individual deniers - don't think they're worth it. Only know about Rio because I couldn't answer a recent question he(?) asked. I can be pretty caustic, but I've explained my position in a recent answer to Climate Realist. I truly am tired of the inane misinformation trumpeted as absolute truth most of the deniers here espouse and repeat with every question they ask, and every answer they give. But I won't block them. Truthfully I suspect it's because I ask all of them to explain 2 things, if they claim it's not warming or getting colder, and have never found one yet who could come close. Once in a while, I get a blatant lie in reply, but I just laugh at those answers. Sometimes I get the vast, world-wide conspiracy that has lasted 2 centuries without being outed except by valiant citizen-scientists who have no science training whatsoever answer. For those, I point out just how much of a truly paranoid conspiracy theorist who coincidentally has no knowledge of human nature these answerers have to be to make that claim. I tend more to pity those types.

The questions are related to observations of the recent temperature record.

1 - The 70's were warmer than the 60's, the 80's warmer than the 70's, the 90's warmer than the 80's the 00's warmer than the 90's, and the hottest year on record started this decade. How is that either level temps or cooling?

2 - Explain how 12 of the hottest 15 years on record have all occurred in the past 15 years, if the temps are staying the same or getting cooler.

Both these questions are not dependent on computer models or reconstructions of past events. They are essentially based on thermometer readings.

I've decided to block anyone who blocks me first which is Hey Doofus and a few other alarmists. I blocked Big Gryph because he would just complain that any question he didn't like violated YA rules. I know there are a few other alarmists that frivolously report skeptical questions but I'm not 100% sure who they are. I suspect one alarmist of having a few dummy accounts so I block him as well.

I'm still not 100% sure if Hey Doofus is a die hard alarmist who wants to live in his own little bubble or a skeptic who is just playing an alarmist caricature. I think Doofus has convinced more people to lean towards skepticism than most skeptics on this board.

The Dork blocks anyone he loses an argument with. That has been obvious for some time now. Just look at his feeble explanation. This is not a discussion board. NO! All true scientists are just supposed to lay back and let him spew his garbage and call people names with impunity. He has a sore loser complex. His answers are usually reworked quotes of Bill Nye or Al Gore and have no scientific value.

I don't block. I am not offended by Dork, since I know what he is and his questions are childish at best. I have repeated his questions many times to highlight his utter stupidity, and apparently he got mad about that. One time he had my repeated question pulled because it didn't fit 'community guidelines' I protested saying that it was a copied and pasted question of Dork's. Y!A had to pull his too and it was rather obvious he wasn't too happy about that. Ha! Ha! If stupid questions are genius, he is Einstein.

Others are just sick and tired of being called liars without substantive proof and block people like Peggy for instance. You are not supposed to call someone a liar, according to community guidelines. Yet Peggy does it quite often with impunity. It proves two things. Y!A won't pull his answers when he does that, so he and Y!A are in cohoots. And it tells everyone he is not who he claims to be, mainly a PhD Climate Scientist. (Unless, of course, they are giving those out in Cracker Jack boxes.) I can see how it could hurt someone's feelings, to be called a liar by a complete babbling idiot.

So there you have two opposite ends of the scope and I would believe there are innumerable degrees between those two ends.

Never blocked anyone. It should not be allowed.

Sagebrush, I only call people liars that are liars. I provided evidence that showed that both Jeff Engr and Maxx lied in recent questions. These were not even cases where their lies could be ascribed to ignorance--their errors were pointed out to the, yet they persisted in their statements. No way to interpret that but as willfully misleading people.

And when you say "I can see how it could hurt someone's feelings, to be called a liar by a complete babbling idiot. " --don't worry, you're not really hurting my feelings.

Blocked on what?

A social networking site or a gaming networking site?

We don't know what your talking about.

Ill use social networking sites to base my answer: I've been blocked by a few people on facebook for many reasons some of them are ex's that I broke up with, some just couldn't handle the fact I don't let people walk all over me and others are homophobic even though I'm straight (was fraped by my brother so my friends think I'm bi sexual)

I block people for beifng annoying trying to steal my boyfriend insulting my family and being an ex.

Since I am not afraid to engage in conversations I have not and will not block anyone. RIO blocked after my first response to one of his/her questions. Another member, I forget who it was, blocked me for a few days and then removed the block on me on their own accord. I thank them for that

"That did it! I'm taking my toys and you can't play any more!"

I'd have to agree with most all of these posts. Hey Dook dignifies the blocking with my beginning statement. A very childish maneuver of which many are guilty of here.

I block people who block me. I have had questions deleted because of the TD on steroids known as reporting. I blocked whoever I thought could have been responsible to prevent them from reporting my questions. Most of these I have since unblocked.


Yet if anyone mentions James Hansen or Michael Mann, you post videos of graphs taped to see-saws and call James Hansen and Michael Mann liars.

YA won't pull your answers. You and YA must be in cohoots. Although I blame realists who refuse to report you.

I haven't blocked anyone, though I have considered Hey Dook.

Hey Dook has blocked me.

Cyclops has also blocked me.

I have blocked Hey Dook. He has consistently brought nothing to any answers. He is a waste of time. He is the only one I am aware that has blocked me. I'm quite happy with this arrangement as his questions are as useless as his answers.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed similar "copycat" questions recently; the justification for these is normally that the person asking is blocked from the original and wishes to open the question up to those who otherwise would be unable to contribute.

Now I've never blocked anyone; not even Rio and Cyclops, who have blocked me for some reason. Don't get me wrong; those two are not exactly heavyweights, even by "skeptic" standards, yet I am curious about the reasons people have for doing this.

So, if you have blocked anyone, why did you do it?

Also, who has blocked you, and why do you think they did it?

I block only Dook and only after he blocked me and I notice he got 2 thumbs up from your fellow alarmists. Frankly my block of him is a good reminder to not read it because he provides nothing of substance. You are always polite and decent but you are the exception that makes the rule.

I block most of the hard-core deniers here, and most of them block me. The reasons for this, in my case, and that of many non-deniers, are blatantly obvious in tends of thousands of resolved questions, as are the 180 degree opposite reasons why deniers block.

There is an endless avalanche of confusion about blocking, mostly stemming from the myth that this site is or is supposed to be some kind of "open discussion" "forum." READ THE GUIDELINES, FOLKS! It is NOT a "forum" for chatting, it is about posing questions and SELECTING answers to them from among those answer the questioner WANTS to consider !!!

The only skeptics I know of here, are the scientists who were skeptical of global warming, long before the word itself was coined, and long before the denier halfwit dupes here even got into diapers. In the years since, while deniers have progressed slightly beyond diapers, one of the most vast and hugely consistent bodies of solid science ever amassed in human history has put skepticism about the basics of AGW on a par with "skepticism" of biological evolution or of the moon landings.

Hayduke =partly on the childish principal of tit for tat & partly because he seldom has anything interesting to say but ALWAYS says it in the rudest manner possible.

Unfortunately none of us make an effort to be as fair & objective as you.

But we're only human, even peg loses his temper fairly regularly now.

I blocked Hey Kook, as he blocked me very early, but always answered my questions insultingly, so eventually I blocked him in return, others have blocked me but as you say they are not heavyweights and seldom ask interesting questions so I just ignore them.

However I make a point of always reporting anyone who accuses me of lying.

I have blocked no-one but am blocked by Hey Dook.

I think he did it because his arguments are not as good as mine.