> Is this what Al Gore predicted when he said 'the Earth has a fever'?

Is this what Al Gore predicted when he said 'the Earth has a fever'?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I don't remember Al Gore saying anything about record freezing of the Great Lakes. http://www.mlive.com/weather/index.ssf/2...

Or record cold in Antarctica: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/cold-dis-...

Or record snowfall in the Northern Hemisphere: http://iceagenow.info/2013/05/snow-cover...

Global Warmists like Al Gore were screeching for more than 30 years that the globe would WARM --- that's not happening and hasn't been for nearly two decades. The world is cooling in spite of record high CO2 (according to Warmists). http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/rss/fro...

Not only is there no man-made Global Waming --- there is no warming of any kind.


Maybe this was it.

"In Australia, 2013 Was a Scorcher for the Record Books"

"The numbers are in and Australia just finished its hottest year since recordkeeping began in 1910. Not only was 2013 the hottest year on record, but it featured other notable milestones, from adding a new color to the temperature map to a wild and damaging start to bushfire season. And while the calendar has turned to 2014, the weather appears stuck in 2013.

"The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) released its 2013 numbers on Friday. They show that the average annual temperature in Australia was 73.4°F, which was 2.16°F above average based on average temperatures for 1961-1990. That beats the previous mark set in 2005 by 0.31°F."


Can you believe that knucklehead was almost our President?

He's still pretty bent about the whole thing -

At least with Bush you knew he was an American -

Gore might profess to be an alien if there's easy money in it and enough dumb people -

Even though I don't use Al Gore as a source, I can confirm what he said. Earth does have a fever. What I will present is what you and your pal Goebbels hate; the truth.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.

http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/ (Razzberry sound effects.)

Not what he predicted, but not a problem for the Goracle.

'We must make protecting the environment the central organizing principle of civilization.'

"The Pacific Yew can be cut down and processed to produce a potent chemical, taxol, which offers some promise of curing certain forms of lung, breast and ovarian cancer in patients who would otherwise quickly die. It seems an easy choice -- sacrifice the tree for a human life — until one learns that three trees must be destroyed for each patient treated." Earth in the Balance

Every normal person knows Al Gore is scumbag. All he did is made up things to make money and to be popular. I don't think he could really predict anything, he does not have knowledge nor tallant for that.

Maybe he said that, it was a metaphor, Perhaps that's too subtle for you to understand

Still using that fake Goebbels quote even after you were busted. That's being a good Nazi

Wow are u and gore having an affair You talk about him a lot and he is not a climate scient. What does it matter what he said?

Actually I have never paid much attention to Gore. He has never been the spokesperson for AGW He did make a movie that woke people up to the need to protect our environment and enlightened folks to do something about GW. From that standpoint, although there were many errors in the movie, it was important. . rented the movie and fell asleep after 10 minutes of so

However in my reading of the forum, I don't remember a warmist mentioning him with any adoration or purporting him to be significant in any way.. You however, because you have no real climate science to disprove AGW, use gore and a lot of other distracting questions to waste space here at the forum. I have read labels that have more meat to them.

>>C': No but you greenies love the theory he proposes. He is your spokesman as long as you kiss up to the plan he is currently making money from and using rubes like you to echo his thoughts.<<

Gore has proposed no climate theory – and it is only rubes who think that he has.

Polar Vortex, all a part of Al Gore's explanation of global warming. They are not counting all the homeless folks that are freezing to death under the bridge overpasses in the United States yet.


He used a rectal thermometer on himself and his fellow climate scientists to come to that conclusion and he did all of the work. Maybe we should give him a PhD in Rectumology (new field of discovery) to help satisfy his desire to feel important.

Another false premise, All Gore did not make a prediction. Al Gore warned on multiple occasions that climate scientist have warned of more extreme weather events.

When will you stop lying?

The Hotter you get the pot the more the water roils. Global warming predicts over increase in the temperature of the Earth but that heat also causes more fluctuations in the weather patterns which leads to extremes in the Weather we experience.

Depends on whether Goebbels was pro- or anti- Illuminati.

Gore appeals to this world's nut jobs, who have an overwhelming desire to castrate their own species.