> Can someone help me please as soon as possible?

Can someone help me please as soon as possible?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wealth is not a problem that affects the environment. Communist countries were the worst for the environment. This class is propaganda.

Global warming ended over a year ago. All seasons have returned to normal naturally. All non solids like co2, gases, exhaust, smoke, etc., that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness. What you can stress is that all garbage and rubbish are buried under ground, then 20 years later homes, hospitals, schools, etc. are built and the old garbage seeps up through the ground and kills all animal and human life, so why not return to the way that it was, by burning it all up because nature separates all non solids that rise into the upper atmosphere. See if you can get some Films from the Television news Stations that show forest fires and the helicopters coming down low to drop the water on the fires/ then ask yourself where's the SMOKE. This will prove Nature separate the smoke into nothingness/ or have a safe fire in your back yard and throw a tire in it and record it and watch with your own eyes and see the smoke being separated. Monday, I'm being interviewed on the Radio for television because of my expertise in figuring out Disaster solutions that nature unleashes on all species on and in earth. My Triple Output solution implemented by another Nation TURNED OFF Global Warming last year in 2012. Mike / Global Command

Do some research and you will discover that people have been making the exact same doom and gloom predictions for humanity regarding population et al since the late 1700's until now. Then explain why not a single one of these cataclysmic prophecies has ever come to fruition despite the explosion and expansion of human populations on earth.

If you are an intellectually honest person after this research you too will come to the conclusion that to believe in this kind of hyperbole considering the absolute truth that history provided is tantamount to severe delusional paranoia and other forms of mental illness. It's much like being told that sky is falling and we're all going to die and believing it for generations even though the sky never fell and humanity is still thriving.

The problem with Global Warming (aka Climate Change) from a Sociological perspective, is that far too many people now make their living from it to permit an honest & disinterested analysis.

The human race has become hostage to this post normal reality.

You could talk about how the man made global warming fear mongering is stifling growth of industrialization in countries that desperately need it. You could talk about all the billions of dollars being wasted on this fairy tale that could go to helping poor people.

i need a few paragraph for the final for socialogy . about the environment essay like 1-2 paragraph please can someone give an idea


theres is several problem that affects to our environment such as Growth of popualtion. ,wealth, global warming and climate change,