> Help us change the world?

Help us change the world?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'll be sure to tell some of my friends about this site, its great that you and your friends are so passionate you have taken action! Many people these days don't practice what they preach!

Just tell the truth and make everyone else do that. That would change the world for the better.

Right now, in the US, 'change' is a dirty word.

Yes I want a greener planet, so lets produce more CO2 as it helps vegetation grow faster, stronger, need less water, resist disease and pests.

Don't lie.

Hello everyone! Would anyone here be interested in joining a forum aome classmates and i have created about going green. This is a project where we want people around the world to join and to discuss different environmental issues. Please do join. If u have any questions u may email me at:


Thank u if u join!!! Pls answer if u join.


I am just asking for help in changing the world (: