> Assuming that NASA was right about CO2 cooling the earth?

Assuming that NASA was right about CO2 cooling the earth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How much more should we drive to end global warming?

You are acting like a AGW supporter by twisting the facts, NASA did not say that they said GHG protect the earth from solar flares.

us deniers do not need to distort and twist things, the empirical evidence is there for anyone who cares to believe it.

Jesse - " ... CO2 accounts for about 20 to 25% of that warming ..."

If people are responsible for only 3% of all of the CO2 in the atmosphere, then that means people have a very small effect on warming. 20% x 3% = .2 x .03 = .006 or 0.6% to 0.75% which means we are responsible for 0.18 C to 0.225 C increase

4.1% according to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_budg... That makes it a little different but not much. About 1/4 of 1 degree Celsius.

Jesse - So now warmists are claiming that humans are responsible for a 2.4 Celsius in the temperature when it relates to greenhouse gases and keeping the planet warm. So what would the temperature be without that 2.4 Celsius. I'm guessing that it would be 1.65 C cooler without humans?

Greenhouse gases warm the Earth about 30°C and CO2 accounts for about 20 to 25% of that warming. I don't think that NASA would say that CO2 cools the Earth as that contradicts the scientific evidence. At the rate we're increasing the amount of CO2 by driving our cars and other activities, we are warming the earth about 0.15°C per decade. That doesn't sound like much except we are already beginning to see the effects on our icecaps, weather, and food production.

Although the article below is mostly about the role of water vapor, and also has a discussion of the other greenhouse gases, particularly CO2.

Note to Zippi: man is responsible for about a 40% increase in the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. Please redo your calculation and see what result you get.

I'm presuming you mean the Neighborhood Amateur Scientist Association. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration didn't say anything of the sort.

Given that NASA never claimed that CO2 cools the Earth, your question is nonsense.

NASA says what NASA says, not what denialist blogs say NASA says.


It appears you are a liar or ignorant, which is typical of deniers.

How much more should we drive to end global warming?