> When, if no changes occur, will the polar ice caps be all gone?

When, if no changes occur, will the polar ice caps be all gone?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Whenever it happens, it will be too soon.

If "no changes occur, the ice caps will be about the same as they are now.

According to these numpties, this year for the Arctic.

What nonsense it all is.

Yet the alarmists try to wriggle out of this ne, how can they? Oh we didn't mean it, or well the lab tech dropped a piece of paper or some other brubbish.

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

By Jonathan Amos

Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

Arctic summer melting in 2007 set new records

More details

Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.

Professor Wieslaw Maslowski told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.

Summer melting this year reduced the ice cover to 4.13 million sq km, the smallest ever extent in modern times.

Remarkably, this stunning low point was not even incorporated into the model runs of Professor Maslowski and his team, which used data sets from 1979 to 2004 to constrain their future projections.

In the end, it will just melt away quite suddenly

Professor Peter Wadhams

"Our projection of 2013 for the removal of ice in summer is not accounting for the last two minima, in 2005 and 2007," the researcher from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, explained to the BBC.

"So given that fact, you can argue that may be our projection of 2013 is already too conservative."




The South Pole isn't currently warming, so a huge change will have to occur for the South Pole to melt. (Currently -65c at the South Pole)

If I had to guess... I'd say about a decade for the north pole, give or take a bit. The south pole, however, is likely to take centuries at least to come anywhere close to completely melting, under any kind of realistic emissions scenarios.

Popular Science predicted that we would have no ice caps in a decade. That was back in 1923. Really, do you need ice caps? They didn't have any back in the Garden of Eden. And I remind you, it was perfect.