> Can you explain how "We can't control weather" =/= "We don't influence climate"?

Can you explain how "We can't control weather" =/= "We don't influence climate"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Suppose we have a stick and we see a bear. We poke the bear with the stick. Do we influence the behavior of the bear? Yes. Do we control the behavior of the bear? No.

We influence climate by adding greenhouse gases, contrails and aerosols. But to control the weather or the climate, we would need two of the following.

1. We would need to know the exact results to expect from adding X amount of, say, carbon dioxide. To know that, we would need perfect climate models, which I doubt very much that we have.

2. We would need to add the exact amount of, say, carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. No more and no less. Once we reach the quota of carbon dioxide, we would have to stop adding more. We would have to stop using coal to produce electricity and stop driving and everything else that adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, once we reach the quota.

We can't control the weather, but we can influence climate.

Maybe you should research all of the different things that affect the climate. You might figure out that humans have very little affect on it. CO2 levels are not linear with temperature increases.

"Climate Change" is and always has been a natural occurrence. There are too many variables that affect the climate:

1) Elevation - higher elevations mean colder climates

2) Prevailing winds - 3 prevailing winds in northern and southern hemisphere that affect climate

3) Latitude - a location of an area defines its climate

4) Angle - tilting of the earth at certain times of the year affects climate

5) Surface - the type of surface can hold more heat

6) Topography - the lay of the land like mountains effect the climate in certain areas

7) Time frame - decades of weather and averaging

8) Orbital variations - circulation patterns of the earth change. It also wobbles and affects the climate

9) Solar activity - The sun's radiational output increases and decreases

10) Ocean currents - The Gulf stream affects the climate of Great Britain for example

11) Cloud formation - clouds cool the earth's surface and affect the climate

12) PDO, AMO, AO - Air currents (jet streams) affect the climate

13) Cosmic Rays - Gamma rays released from exploding stars affect the climate

14) Seismic Activity - causes land to rise and fall and affects climate

..... and much more

"Climate Change" as it pertains to climate science's definition is a way to define what humans are doing to the climate which is very little. CO2 (the main concern) has but a fractional affect on the climate mainly due to the many other factors that drive the climate.

we don't control climate, we have an effect on climate, yes CO2 levels are hurting the environment, just like picking a scab has the potential to hurt a person's health. Its more important that we find a more efficient product than we stop pollution, oh wait we did, its called nuclear power, but that wont work because environmentalists get angry because it solves way too many problems.

It is a non-sequitur. The conclusion does not follow from the premise.

But, you have asked the wrong question: from a scientific standpoint, the burden of proof lies with you, and those promoting the theory that man has a (significant) influence on climate. The climate models say we do/will; but those predictions have failed to validate against real world data. They are not scientific.

"When an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong." - Arthur C Clarke

"It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period." - Richard Feynman

Weather is a chaos system, so no we don't have much control over it accept perhaps by cloud seeding.

Yes we can and do alter climate, in many ways, deforestation, overgrazing, soot, blacktop tarmac, aerosols all have some effect, it's just I do not believe that we can alter our climate by adding more CO2 we have come to the end limit of it's greenhouse effect, IPCC and climate models know this but are predicting a water vapor positive feedback effect, which not happening because climate like weather is also a chaos system with numerous feedback's many negative.

Several posters here--a mixture of confused children and alarmists seem to think that we can control the weather by taxing carbon and making everything more expensive.

There is no good way to explain that this is impossible to the confused alarmists because they refuse to listen, are very one-sided and blinkered.

Your confused, it hasn't gone beyond simple measurements which has nothing to do with control. Unless of course DA alarmist have a means for controlling all the other variables and the errors.

This is a HOOT.

I'd say that if we do indeed influence climate, it is a pretty pathetic amount compared to natural phenomena.

When Krakatoa when up in 1883, it changed the global temperature by one degree C.... not these piddling tenths of a degree the alarmists are worried about.

Wrong what we think is an ambiguous claim that bad weather isn't caused by AGW but is one of the predictions is useless unless you're a useful idiot.

RE this lame trickery: We cannot control the random fluctuations of (weather, the daily gyrations of the stock market) therefore we have no influence on climate/the economy.

In the case of the denialists (making such claims -by analogy, that if the .300 baseball hitter strikes out, the game of baseball is a hoax / myth / liberal plot), it is usually because they are too ignorant and/or lazy to find a less idiotically dishonest fossil fuel industry croc to copy-paste.

Confused children (above the minimum required age of 13, at least) can almost always understand this:

Several posters here--a mixture of confused children and denialists--seem to think that the fact that we cannot control the weather--call up storms on demand and so forth--somehow means that we cannot be the major influence on climate. This seems like one of those things that's ripe for a simplified explanation or analogy, so at least the confused children can be set straight.

So, can you think of either a good way to explain this to the confused, or something else more commonly known where A is strongly influenced by B, even though B has nothing like conscious or deliberate control over A?

If I put a pot of water on the stove and turn on the burner, I can't know the positions and trajectories of all the bubbles that form when the water boils, but I have no doubt at all that the water will get hot.

The brochure for my car says it has climate control.

The human activities search up the dust bowl and see what caused it ...that place was perfect but the human activities made it turn it into madness

Wow a warmunist calling people that don't believe in the global warming scam children. Why cant you just ask a simple question? I'm sure you know their ages and you might as well mix them in with the denialists. School children trying to do their homework are called students.