> The US had its calmest hurricane season this year over a period of 30 years. Does this mean no global warming?

The US had its calmest hurricane season this year over a period of 30 years. Does this mean no global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, and I can't imagine why anyone would even think that.

It's amazing how simplistically people in here think about the world. Weather is complicated business, and even William Gray's group was forecasting a very active season, and William Gray even calls himself a global warming denier.

If I throw a seven times five times in a row, does that prove that a pair of dice are loaded?

No. What it means is that the AGW religious cultists must somehow find a way to blame the slow hurricane seasons for the past 6 or 7 years on global warming.

Ever notice that those bible thumping AGW cultists never ever blame global warming on really nice weather? It's always the bad weather. Defies logic. Always a one way street for them. more proof that they are freaking lunatics pushing an ideological agenda based on feelings.

No matter what the weather like the recent cold snap, it is caused by Global Warming. The universe was created by Global Warming, for instance.

No it doesn't It simply means this was a slow hurricane season This year is expected to be in or near the top ten warmest years

No it simply means the next hurricane that causes damage will be easily exploited by those wishing to gain support for the theory that people cause bad things to happen and therefore people can stop bad things from happening.

No, it doesn't. It is evidence that the hype over every hurricane is proof of global warming is propaganda meant to scare people into supporting their agenda.

No, the opposite. Hurricanes are caused by warm air.

No, but it's probably evidence that hurricanes are not related to CO2 emissions.

Although you American seem unable to comprehend the fact the US is NOT the world