> Germany is abandoning its climate targets. Who's next?

Germany is abandoning its climate targets. Who's next?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Who really was serious? Maybe the Germans were about the only ones who mattered who were serious to begin with. It is strange how so many smart people can be so wrong but at least they are coming around. I lived in Germany for two years and I think they are very proud of their science, technology, etc. Waking up is hard to do or was that breaking up?

Everybody will likely give up. It is just too hard to do. But I am optomistic that technology will get cleaner enough over the next 100 years with private funding and some government intervention not greater that other interventions of the past (like for the Transcontinental Railroad or farm subsidies or military research) to solve the problem.

I really, really wonder how your own source's claim "Germany Plans To Withdraw..." becomes a "Germany is abandoning...".

Besides that, the original German source (Der Spiegel) is even less spectacular than what the GWPF claims: "Coal power plants: Gabriel announces departure from climate change goals" with Gabriel being Federal Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel. Der Spiegel obtained the info from Gabriel who merely gave his opinion, not a fact. Environmental issues are not even Gabriel's responsibility: they're Gabriel's fellow SPD party's Barbara Hendricks' and as Der Spiegel points out, she still maintains the environmental objectives need to be met.

Germany really shot themselves in the foot when they shut down all their nuclear power plants. I thought they were getting something like 50% of their electricity from renewable sources already. To be honest, there are very few nations left with binding CO2 reduction targets. Canada, Australia, and Japan are out. China never committed to reducing emissions. Even at the latest dog and pony show China did with obama, they simply agreed to "stabilize emissions by 2030. Translation: We will continue to do as we please for the next 16 years."

I wonder how many tipping points will come and go in the next 16 years.

America I hope. Congress needs to de-fund this enormous FRAUD on the American taxpayers. France, Russia, Japan and Canada all pull out of Kyoto. The EU wants fracking and are likely to set aside their climate goals. Australia is not on-board with the climate change scam anymore.

American taxpayers have had hundreds of billions of their dollars wasted on this power-grab-scam for about 30 years. It's well past time for it to end.


With any luck, everyone will see this pseudo science for the hoax it is.

second hand reporting. they are still way ahead of usa.