> I am so angry with global warming denialists, why do they still insist there is no global warming?

I am so angry with global warming denialists, why do they still insist there is no global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I would not worry the only people that take deniers seriously are other deniers, the very reason these guys have to create fake accounts is because they have nothing real to offer except conspiracies and attacks on science.

As for all being doomed, that a new one on me and I work in a science group that studies this, primary issues are going to be sea level rise and glacial melt one caused by the other most of the effects of that will be economic, and by the time that happens, deniers bleating about the cost of doing something about climate change will be an historic joke.

Denier are pretty much empty vessels they tell us not to believe scientists, while they are happy to believe TV weather men and mad English Lords with Nazi fetishes, that sadly speaks for itself.

Climate science is certainly not perfect, but deniers hanging on every error, and there have not been that many, given the scope of what is being looked at, but denier try to weave these few errors into their every more ridiculous 'global conspiracy' which if we where to believe deniers now involves the entire science community, governments and all the aids that work in both fields who would also be part of the 'conspiracy' not to mention the media (and denier do a lot) except their own media, source like Fox, sic.

Question a denier on any of this and they start rant 'liberal' at you for the simple reason they have no real answers to any of the science points which are all based on well researched science that is now decades old, in all that time the science has advanced with better research tools and a growing data set backing it.

All deniers have is a sad collection of some 170 theories that they rotate through as each one is shown to be total fiction they just move on to the next one, does that seriously sound like people who are even slightly invested in what they are talking about.

The reality is denial has less than a decade, regardless of the nonsense and fiction they post about "no warming since 1998", the facts are 2005 and 2010 where both warmer, and allow for the record El Nino in 97/98 and in fact most of the years since have really been warmer, withing the next few year we will see more years that are warmer than 1998, how many 'skeptics' will believe deniers when they try to claim cooling since 1998 when 1998 itself has slopped to 4th or 5th or 7th warmest year in the record.

Deniers try to play up the expansion of Antarctic sea ice, they want you to focus on this one thing and ignore 3 others, Arctic sea ice is shrinking far faster that the Antarctic is growing and neither has any real effect on sea level. Far more importantly the two largest ice masses Antarctic glacial ice and Greenland's ice mass are both shrinking, but deniers pretend that isn't happening.


The very melting of the single largest ice mass on the planet is contributing to a cooling of the sea around it and sea ice formation, try and explain that to a denier and they just go off on anther rant about communists or liberals, when in fact it is published research, and pretty much common sense.

In fact going back a few years this was even a denier theory they tried to hijack from a real scientific theory, but they exaggerated the effect and claimed it would cause an iceage.

This sadly is a recurring theme with deniers they steal a real theory and simply leave out the parts they don't like, their recurring claim of a gap between the rise temperature and the rise in CO2 is another example, in the original theory the so called gap is explained by ice age not being triggered by CO2 rise but by shifts in the Malkovich cycle that trigger warming which later adds more CO2 which itself also adds to warming, but deniers just cut out the bit that conflicted with the false point they where trying to make.

The psychology research of Dan Kahan and others might help you to calm down. It's frustrating to deal with denial. And frustration can lead to anger. But anger does not help. People are defending their political views and sense of 'self', and most of the time they do not realise their denial. I found it calming to look at some of the psychology studies and realise that most climate science deniers aren't evil, they're just acting in a way that's rational to them. Accepting climate science would be bad for them because they think they will lose the respect of those who have the same political opinions. Look at the venom directed at anyone from the GOP who says that maybe the scientists have a better idea about science than the paid-off think tanks that also said smoking is fine for your health.

The scientific evidence is overwhelming, that's why 97% of climate science research that talks about the cause of recent global warming says that it's man-made.


Since climate science denial is largely political, it will die when electric cars and solar power are so cheap that the cost to politicians of acting is smaller. If this happens quickly enough we'll be ok. If it's slowed down, or if fossil fuelled politicians can strangle green industry in red tape, then we could see suffering on an unimaginable scale. But getting angry won't change this.

And when I say denial will 'die', I mean for all relevant purposes. I imagine some of those who frequent Watts' blog now will be adamant that global warming isn't true in 40 years when the Earth is another 1 C hotter, Arctic ice is gone and we're planning the evacuation of Miami.

Relax. Emotion is the reason for promotion of the Global Warming campaign. It is used to create income, but not for you and me. The boondoggle money that went to alternative energy companies? The taxes and profits from carbon schemes, and higher energy costs? You like those things? If you do, you are in on the scam. For us normal people, we don't like those things.

We believe the thermometers. We don't believe the models, and they have been shown to be wrong. We don't agree with adjustments to the record to make it fit the models. We don't argue that temperatures are higher than they were at the end of the Little Ice Age. But why put the "Global Warming" label on it? Just to start an argument? You must really like arguments. Why not call it the "Global Warm Up"? So instead, boost the cost of energy when we least need that. You're not helping to preserve peace in the world, are you?

I know alarmists are going to hate on this but he literally called us nazis " crazy white extremist holocaust denier". I know that whatever I say no matter wether I can prove all your facts wrong you will still be an alarmist. But I will try. You listed no websites for me to look at so I will just give some basic facts. The world hasn't warmed since 1997, since 2012 the Arctic ice is 50% thicker, CO2 is a mandatory necessity to live and without it we would all die and it is at only around 150 ppm and millions of years ago it was close to 7000 ppm without cars or people and life was full and rich back then, all alarmist predictions have been wrong and the scientists have lied repeatedly and won't release there raw data, and alarmist scientists have billions to gain from global warming. I know you will not believe or not care about the facts above but they are facts, and facts are stubborn things, no getting around them.

You just said it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Others seem to think it matters whether global warming is true. For example the methane release is not happening. You have been scared into believing a lie, and if they're telling you 16 years it's a lie, yet you wail about those who tell you it's a lie, calling them denialists.

There is value to conservatism, to pointing out that actions taken to address global warming would be very expensive and the result would be unemployment as in families losing their means of support. Even in a liberal society, this is still devastating to the individuals affected and the social benefits to help them are meager provisions that still exact a high cost to the taxpayer.

However the denial is just denial, an unwillingness to accept the concept at all and resorting to contrived and ever weaker evidence and even to fabricated evidence to support their views. As per the Kübler-Ross model, the denial will eventually be replaced with anger, then with bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. It will all take time and some will never leave the denial and anger stages. The denial is normal though a bit obstructive. The problem is that delays simply make action less likely to succeed and more costly.

If you think it can be stopped by reducing CO2 nobody is preventing you from acting on your beliefs. But your too afraid of loosing an entertaining movie, some leisure time in front of the TV, a night out at a steak house, a vacation to Hawaii, a cruise ship trip, that power boat you love, or any number of non-essential things you do or use... What if all you true believers just cut the crap and started acting on your beliefs. The snowball effect would result in such a huge drop in our consumption of energy and use of fossil fuels the changes in our world would be huge and almost overnight. But keep on complaining about how nobody believes what you believe and how the government should force people to do what you think needs to be done instead of acting on your own.

I think most people, and that includes many who are called "deniers", believe that the earth has warmed since 1850. There were two "earth sciemtists" surveyed by Doran and Zimmermann (2009) who would not say that the earth had warmed, however.

If you like silly quotes from scientists look at some of these: http://www.aei-ideas.org/2014/04/18-spec...

Here is a sample:

“Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”'

In the mean time, look at the last half a million years of Antarctic ice core data. I have decided not to start worrying until the current temperature is well above the previous four warm spells.

a point will be reached that their denialism will be a criminal act. People are already dying, and being pro-Big Oil / anti-the scientific community is a much like raping Mother Earth.

It is our duty as citizens of the Earth to fight such evil.

What solid evidence is there that global warming IS happening?

My evidence.

17yrs 9mths with no temperature rise, even though CO2 is escalating.

Global sea ice extent nearly 1million Km above average.

Antarctic sea ice extent at record levels.

Very few hurricanes and tornadoes compared to historical records.

I am 68yrs old and cannot see any difference now than when I was a young child.

I can't take it anymore, why are some people so ignorant and delusional. I used to tolerate these people but now i'm just so angry with them. Global warming is now so bad that some scientists and writers are speaking of human extinction (guy mcpherson for example, who is not a doomist) in 16 years from now because of methane release. Whether that's true or not, is not the issue. The question is not if, it's when

I try to understand why (i'm sorry i'm not trying to judge anyone but it's mainly) right wingers are to this day so adamant about global warming not happening. One prominent denialist is alex jones, who is like a little child. He's so immature. He keeps looking away from the piles of evidence and only reads and quotes right wing denialist articles and thinks he's got it all figured out. I truly believe he is scared and doesn't want to believe it

He uses really bad evidence to then declare that the earth is actually cooling and apparently find neurologists and astrophysicists qualified to speak out on global warming. He is like a white extremist holocaust denier in this way

We are in big trouble which is why i get so furious at the mainly right wingers and conspiracy theorists who keep denying it. I wouldn't be so bothered if it was only a small group of people but there are a lot of denialists out there with considerable influence over the masses

I am so angry, these people are driving us into chaos. What solid evidence is there that global warming isn't happening?

Well ok then. As a right winger myself I would like to ask why? why can't you just allow people to think what they want to think. It is their freaking opinion. and this is america. We are entitled to our own opinions. If someone does not agree with you that is no reason to get all butthurt over it.

Read the preceding comments. They are not lies. Si?

So this means the science of global warming caused by anthropomorphic sources has NOT been proven... It will warm, it happens before every ice age, for which we are overdue, now.

Most of the original global warming "science" has been detracted.

The arctic ice cap is GROWING.

The penguin and polar bears are still alive.

Florida has not slipped into the sea.

I can't stand all the alarmists.

By the way, they changed it to "climate change" now that we are seeing cooling trends. Get on board dude!!!

In the 70s some of those same scientists were warning of an upcoming ice age.

All that being said, what if we are warming???? There is absolutely no evidence that we are causing it and certainly no chance that we can reverse it.

Then maybe you should learn the difference between "biased" and "unbiased" science.

Skeptics/deniers are only rejecting foregone conclusions that "environmental-activist-science" has made over the years. They continue to do so without being checked.

This article is explaining how microbes in the ocean are benefiting from the extra CO2 levels which, in turn, helps all other life on Earth multiply and sustain. : http://phys.org/news/2014-06-uncovering-...

Ocean acidity is just another unknown result from increased CO2 levels. Not enough is known about the carbon cycle and causes of increased acidity. It is simply suggested by "environmental activist scientists" that acidity is caused by increased CO2 levels. The "bias" by the author is very clear when you read the article. She simply states that there is little known about these microbes and how they continue to flourish and act as one of nature's great clean-up organisms and continues to blather on about climate change/global warming.

If you give me time enough, I could have everyone believe that you are the cause of "Global Warming". The "power of suggestion" runs ramped in climate science activism. Always has.

Tell me the geology classes you failed, or do you know what they are.

What global warming?

I was informed by geology professors in 1966 that earth would have begun entering an ice age in the 1400's, had we not started burning fossil fuels to a greater extent and reversed that. Maybe you would prefer to be living in the middle of that ice age, and you certainly deserve to be doing such, as you understand nothing of what is going on.

1) If you criticize fake conservative idiot posterior orifices, you are a "liberal", "greenie", "alarmist" socialeest" like T. Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan and G.W. Bush, not a "true conservative" who knows how to spell retracted. See the video below.

2) If you want to understand where the anti-science lies and deceptions about climate change come from consult the sources listed slightly lower below.

3) If you try to argue about science with the 6th rate ignoramus copy-cats (of top-level fossil-fuel-industry-serving science deniers) that infest this website, you are in for an open-ended and utter waste of your time.

4) If you are a wimp, you are not necessarily a "liberal" but you have all the credentials needed to serve in high political office for the US Democratic Party.

5) If you doubt that wimpdom is involved, ask yourself what kind of mass political demonstrations would shut down America and much of the political world, if half the US Congress were on public record denying the Holocaust with lies and anti-Semitism on a scale and of a virulence comparable to the lies and anti-Science which is the norm for those fossil fuel industry funded politicians denying climate science. http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/H...








(Newsw.) http://www.sharonlbegley.com/global-warm...

Anything to always oppose liberals.

People are just fooling themselves that they would be actually able to overcome the destruction they made but they are living in vain.

You are propagandized. There simply is no man-made Global Warming. In fact at the current time there is not any kind of warming --- man-made or otherwise.

Get the facts.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

"Physician, heal thyself".

Global warming is BEYOND a myth. It is bold-faced LIE LIE LIE fostered upon us by the globalists. If pseudo-scientists, statesmen, politicians, university "professors" {Romans 1:22!!!! } can cause a panic, then the public will naturally obey whatever an evil government will tell them to do to be "secure and have food to eat". Fact is, it is just a LIE to foster upon us a carbon tax and make us more and more subservient to the government.

All liars constantly change their lies. You had better remember that one. It will keep an awful lot of what you see and hear in proper perspective. First the liars called it "global warming" When that didn't fool enough souls, they began calling it "climate change". When the public began seeing through that, they called "climate catastrophes". Now they are thinking up another name for it. In other words, don't trust a liberal or any one who puts in what he wants and edits truth out: e.g, wikipedia, ny slimes, wash compost, human "rights' campaign, npr, pbs, govt propaganda websites, university professors, public school superintendents, hellyweird, shrinks, and the like.

- There are many proofs that nail the coffin on "global warming". One of the biggest was that so-called infallible university observatory shot out an e-mail to their dupes, oops, I mean "students" to suppress any and all evidence and proof that there was no global warming. And World Net Daily even printed an email exposing a "university scholar". The "scholar" was threatening a professor who was exposing the LIE of global warming. Liberals will DEFAME AND THREATEN you for even questioning the LIE of global warming. It's a violation of the First, Second, Fourth Amendment, etc. Liberals are TYRANNICAL STALINISTS!!!!!!!

One sodomite-globalist-enviro ecoterror nut sent a letter to a prominent scientist whom had graduated from Harvard. The sodomite-internationalist-treasonist eco-terror population control, i.e, mass murderer promised to smear him until he lost his license and credibility to do seminars or to teach or to receive honorary degrees if he did not renounce his exposure of the lie of "global warming". wnd.com

- CO2 is essential to life! These are not scientists who say "CO2 and greenhouse gases" !!! These evolutionary apes made a huge mistake exposing all of their lies! CO2 is essential to life. ALL plant life absorb CO2 (carbon dioxide) and convert CO2 in to O2 (oxygen). You would not be able to breathe without the trees and plants.

- There is always a logical explanation as to what is happening or appears to be occurring. The Lord takes care of this earth. HE created it; he takes care of it. Remember when Rush Limbaugh told us that the oil from the BP spill would evaporate? It did, didn't it? We didn't have the means to scoop it all up or entrap the oil. It evaporated. Al Gore and all of his professional liars were evil and wrong when they said the Gulf Stream would be polluted and Great Britain would freeze to death, etc.

- Recently I learned why, in 1909, the Arctic explorers said the ice sheet is disappearing and the world is coming to an end. The globalist, communist liars have been saying the same thing since 1989. Dong! Why is it happening? There are VOLCANOES beneath the Arctic Ocean. Volcanoes are HOT.. Hence, any six year old can tell you that the ice sheet will get less thick when the VOLCANOES are active and get thicker when the volcanoes go dormant.

- Remember that liberals will always LIE to you. And I do mean ALWAYS. I've been on the road and have travelled. And I can tell you for a FACT that liberals ALWAYS LIE. Remember that the tiniest untruth makes an entire statement a LIE. Liberals will tell you to believe your own eyes. So the ice is falling in to the Antarctic Ocean. WHY would that mean that Antarctica is getting warmer? It's COLD in Antarctica. Don't visit in your short sleeves. It's COLD in Antarctica. Those who tell you that "you get used to it after a while" are liars. It SNOWS a lot. There is so much SNOW that the ice sheet cannot hold it all. So some of that massive amount of snow is going to obey the law of gravity. What's so difficult about that?

- The lying liberal - communist - globalist - environmentalist communist will always LIE to you. Don't be gullible. GO TO THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES, QUEBEC, MANITOBA and see for yourself. ALL all all of the natives will look at you like you are the dumbest, silliest imbecile on the planet if you tell them that the polar bear population is shrinking. The polar bears reproduce just as all the animals. And there NEVER NEVER NEVER were penguins in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The penguins did NOT NOT NOT have to emigrate to Antarctica because of "warming". Sheesh! The environmental commies will attempt to brainwash you in to believing any thing.

- One of the very few things formerly jolly old England has done right in the past century and a quarter was a judge ruled that the public schools in Great Britain could not show a movie by AL Gore UNLESS at least ELEVEN - YES ELEVEN - OF THE LIES LIES LIES that were uttered in the blasphemous film were refuted, explained and exposed. Would to the Lord that we had one decent judge in our country. Just one. That's all I ask. Just one. Do I see one with courage and honesty? Just one.

- There were no "greenhouse gases" emitted in the Middle Ages. Yet the earth was a lot warmer than now. I remember being taught in school that the Vikings misnamed Iceland to Greenland. But the southern tip of Greenland was really green when the Vikings discovered Greenland. Gradually, the climate became colder until the southern tip could no longer grow their crops by 1337 A.D.

- You cannot "pollute the planet" !!!!!! This earth and it atmosphere is so enormous none of us can comprehend it. In 1989, I was sitting in a restaurant having breakfast when a liberal spewed out that Exxon was polluting the beautiful green and wild life of Alaska. A real estate professional roared with uncontrollable laughter. He laughed, crying out "do you know how many coves there are in Alaska"? If you would stop to think for just four minutes, you would realize what I know: Rhode Island is an enormous place. Don't attempt to walk across it, either north south or west east. Yet 145 Rhode Islands would fit in to Texas. Two and one half Texas' would fit in to Alaska. Four Alaskas would fit in to Siberia. Thirteen Siberiae would fit in to the Pacific Ocean. I had thought it was four until I did my research. The earth is three times the size of the Pacific. The ocean is THREE MILES deep in many places and two, four, five, six miles deep in many spots and nearly SEVEN MILES deep in one place. The atmosphere extends 350 miles straight up. Now you think about all that for the next 40 years or longer.

To think that we could pollute the atmosphere or cause 'warming" of the earth or the oceans or the atmosphere is patently absurd. Man is far to puny to pollute our behemoth planet. This earth could feed some- where between 50 and 150 BILLION souls. In Siberia, you could walk SIX THOUSAND miles and not see a solitary soul. I've been to Shanghai: population 26 million. In the western portion, I encountered several long minutes when I did not see a solitary soul. Cebu is a narrow island and province in the Philippines. There are mountains that extend the entire central portion of the island. Cebu city is crowded as is the countryside. Yet I encountered a large section of countryside in which I did not see a solitary soul. You see, the lying liberal-sodomite-globalist- enviro ecoterror PRESS has been brainwashing you for your entire life. You will be shocked when you learn the LIES they have impugned upon you. Did you know that there are MORE trees on every continent now with the possible exception of Europe as of 1997 than in 1620? Pretty amazing, isn't it? Did you know that nuclear power is the SAFEST type of power? I could go on 24 hours a day for the next six months. Have you read all the books exposing that FDR prolonged the great depression and that he was a vicious tyrant? FDR is STILL idolized at every democratic convention. He'll be idolized at the '16 devilratic convention.

- What did that idiot Karl Marx say? Oh yeah! "Know how to destroy capitalism? Create the science of ecology." Think about that one for the next 40 years. What a wonderful world this would be if any one said "go green", "recycle", "environmentally sound", "don't pollute", "control population", "animal rights' were to be tried, and if convicted put to death? Thou shalt not bear false witness. It was that way in the Old Testament. It will be that way in the Millennium.

Repent and believe: Acts 20:21, Romans 10:9-10