> Do these predictions qualify for The Joseph Goebbels Trophy?

Do these predictions qualify for The Joseph Goebbels Trophy?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do these predictions qualify for The Joseph Goebbels Trophy?


Joseph Goebbels? So, he is your guru as well as that of Sagebrush. Did you even read what is in your link?

"The Oceanographic observations have, however, been even more interesting. Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never been noted. The expedition all but established a record….Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society - January 1905"

That is not a "failed prediction" or a prediction of any kind. That was a factual statement from the time.

Anyways, your link is a Gish gallop. It is an attempt to overwhealm people without giving them the opportunity to analyze or respond to the claims. A Gish gallop attempts to stop people from asking

1. Did the person making the statement actually make it?

2. Is it even a prediction?

3. Did the prediction actually fail?

4. If it failed, did the person making the quote simply underestimate the timeline?

5. Is the prediction an inevitable consequence of AGW?

HOw about some actual science?

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.



Depends on which side of the debate one is: if you are a denier like Sagebrush or yourself, then obviously there's no need to check whether what is quoted was a) actually said, b) actually said by the person it is attributed to and, last but not least, c) quoted in the correct context. Deniers can simply copy-and-paste those delicious quotes without any fact-checking while calling the other side Nazis.

You must be right Flossie. You sure got Rainforest Jim's dander up. Ha! Ha!

Isn't it interesting that when you mention Goebbels, an abhorrent person we all agree, you are called a Nazi? Ha! Ha! That certainly is the epitome of greenie logic!

Although, I am a little chagrined with you. You released that whole article at once. I have been using that article in little bits and pieces just as teasers. Now I will have to change my strategy. Ha! Ha!

No but it does show a pattern of warm and cold through the decades .

And none of those predictions from Earth day never happened .

They are back to ten years to save the Earth again since the 1980s .

Comparing with Nazis - the refuge of the intellectually bankrupt. What a tedious little bore you are

@ Sagebrush "Isn't it interesting that when you mention Goebbels, an abhorrent person we all agree, you are called a Nazi?" You are such a ******* liar. I did not call anyone a Nazi

Anything for sensational news, and they expect us to believe all this horse poo.

Do these predictions qualify for The Joseph Goebbels Trophy?
