> What's the most insane, internally consistent AGW hoax you can come up with?

What's the most insane, internally consistent AGW hoax you can come up with?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Consistent is the least common trait you will find among the anti-science commentators concerning anthropogenic climate change. There isn't a single regular here who doesn't contradict himself (women are a tiny minority; someone should ask why that is). The Holy Grail of the Anti-Science blogs, Wattsupwiththat, is a witches brew that needs constant stirring to keep its antagonistic individual ingredients (eye of arrogant gore-ing Newt, claw of Sun bat, toe of Cooling frog, etc.) from interacting and blowing the thing up. The whole denial shell game rests on an indispensable foundation of shifting to the next deceit, as soon as the current one is exposed, cycling through the grab bag composed by the hired hacks and pseudo scientists of fossil fuel industry front group think tanks such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_C._M... already 15+ years ago. The now extensive catalog of contradictions is well known: http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument... Real science continually updates itself, discarding obsolete elements. Anti-science just accumulates more and more to reshuffle. It is as if a chemistry course went from organic compounds one week, stressing the CIA's role in creating them, to alchemy the next, then to crystal power, and then to the "chemical makeup of moon rocks: are they real?"

I actually know of only one consistent theory "explaining" why AGW is a hoax. Whether this theory is "insane" or "dishonest" or "pathological" is immaterial, because there is such a dearth of competition to it.

In essence, it amounts to:

1) Our world is controlled by outer space aliens possessing powers that are beyond human comprehension.

2) These god-like extraterrestrials are not like the gods of organized religions, though. They do not want to be feared, or loved, or worshipped, or even named. They offer no precepts; they have few genuine followers.

3) Instead, they rule by stealth, giving hints in the form of protocols and declarations, and cryptic logos, that only a few wise (often persecuted) Yahoo Answers Community Members can decipher and interpret.

4) Although they tap laws of physics that are beyond us, and can for example, inhabit a hollow moon, project holographic power from it, and travel through time, they rarely make use of such extraordinary power.

5) Because, their overriding desire is to rule us through a combination of infiltration and delusion. Their agents, the Rockoschildobabylonian Brotherhood, have been all over history. Most movers and shakers have been either part of this infiltrating group of "Illuminati," or in league with them, or manipulated by them.

6) Nearly all the systems of thought, logic, knowledge and belief, that we mere mortals adhere to, are actually controlled, twisted, or even created by the aliens (whose only known physicality is their reptilian features): religion, morality, rational thinking, and of course, science.

7) Climate science is a perfect hoax for these aliens, because it concerns the whole world, it logically requires global action if its findings are to be taken seriously, and it is therefore an almost ideal means for the world domination which the Reptilian Aliens -for some strange reason that is also beyond mortal comprehension- prefer to perfect over millennia (rather than just showing up once and for all in Washington DC, Moscow, London, Berlin, Rio, and Beijing (or in Caesar's Rome for that matter), parallel parking their saucers, and saying "Take us to your leaders").

A recent example: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index...

The genius who discovered the Reptilian Hoax:

As post office stamp prices increase, people walk to the post office to get more stamps, as well as one and two cent stamps to make up the difference. This generates lots of heat.

Spurious correlations can be found everywhere. There is, for example, a 99.2% correlation between the amount spent on space and technology and the number of people who commit suicide. There’s a 99.3% correlation between margarine consumption and divorce rates and a 99.8% correlation between the amount spent on pets and the number of lawyers in California.




There are thousands of such correlations, numerous books have been written on the subject and the website I took the three examples from lists several thousand more:


There is of course the famous example, that Kano has already mentioned, that appears to link the number of pirates with global warming. Unfortunately, this isn’t an unusual correlation more a case of date manipulation. The values on the X axis are manipulated to fit with the average global temperature on the Y axis, by doing that then absolutely anything can be made to appear to correlate no matter how disconnected they are.


Data manipulation is phenomenally easy and just about anyone can do it – many people do. They fall down when they come across people who know how to correctly interpret data and who can easily spot the errors (deliberate or otherwise).

The problem is, many people don’t possess the capacity to accurately interpret data and to them an erroneous presentation appears to be an accurate one. Just think of the huge number of occasions when people have presented data on this site alone that they believe (or want to believe) is accurate, when in fact it’s complete nonsense.

Steve Goddard is very good at distorting data and has managed to fool many people, but to those who know about statistics and data handling, and can see through his deceptions, he’s a blatant charlatan. Unfortunately he’s a charlatan with an agenda and he uses his statistical expertise to deceive those less well informed than himself.

Turning to your specific question…

For inspiration I looked at the headline on the Yahoo UK homepage and it was about the amount of money that prostitutes bring in to the UK economy each year:


This story originated in The Independent, they obtained their data from a report published on Thursday by the Office for National Statistics.



Plotting the ONS data against the average global temperature provides an almost perfect correlation:

Hmm! I don't know. If I bite, whatever I post could very be posted on wattsupwiththat.

What does this have to do with AGW, really This type of post just gives the lame deniers here more of a chance to spout off and is counter productive to increasing AGW awareness

Solar heat not radiated into space forms into a kind of virus that causes people to join the GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus freak party.

It is definately baseball, the more often home runs are scored, the more often people drive to watch the games in their gas guzzling SUV's, plus the heat from all those hotdogs http://www.hypothetical-bias.net/.a/6a00...

The economy http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/f...

Lack of pirates

The rules:

You have to explain apparent or actual warming over the past century, which apparently coincides with human CO2 emissions

The *cause* of the warming (if it exists in your explanation) cannot be human CO2 emissions

The explanation has to be reasonably internally consistent.

You can't knowingly break more than 3 laws of physics in your explanation.

Bonus points for novelty, and bonus points for tying in other conspiracies and/or major "green" figures and/or organizations. Have fun, everyone.