> If a doctor tells you meth is bad for you and your dealer says the doctor is a conspiracy freak...?

If a doctor tells you meth is bad for you and your dealer says the doctor is a conspiracy freak...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
does that mean that your dealer is right?

OMG Use your head. Even a child has heard it it bad for you. It rots your teeth and fries your brain and is highly addictive. BTW your question doesn't belong here.

There is quite a difference between a doctor who is using well known science to diagnose a patient's illness and a research scientist.

One has the benefit of books and training courses that list every possible problem that a patient might have. If something is new then a doctor is forgiven for not identifying it correctly. (Note, they do not always identify things correctly. Google: doctor misdiagnosis.)

The other is working at the cutting edge of science. New ideas arise and have to be categorised all the time. Is it an idea that will stand the test of time or is it a non-starter? How does it fit with all the other possible theories? These scientists cannot just consult a book to see what will happen. They are writing the book!

Also, scientists are not completely altruistic. Just look at the history of science and scientists. It is full of jealous scientists trying to rubbish a "colleagues" achievements. (An engineering example is how Edison rubbished Tesla's alternating current. As a rich entrepreneur he could do that - but how did it work out? Is your house powered by Tesla's AC or Edison's DC?)

There were conflicts between Hooke and Newton. Hooke was the Establishment and Newton the would be usurper. Later, the supporters of Newton did not approve of Einstein. They were beside themselves when Eddington showed that Einstein's claim that gravity could bend light was demonstrated. They also played down the fact that Einstein's theory worked out the perihelion of the planet mercury more exactly than you could using Newtonian mechanics.

If you think the medical profession is all sweetness and light try Googling the following:

Operation wrong organs


Andrew Wakefield

Medical Fraud

Pharmaceutical Fraud

Faked Drug Trials

We could ask Larry, oh wit he is dead from a stroke whiole being too amped up. ahhh oh there is Karen, once a very pretty hot lady, but, she is strung out on heroin now, and yes, all drugs are gateways to other drugs. Ok uh there is Frank, no, he was shot because he argued with the dealer that the meth he bought was not making enough smoke, btu ha does noty have to worry about it now, well, I have run out of ideas, but I am sure you will come up with somethign

But of course. The doctor is just telling you that meth is bad because he is trying to frighten you into accepting a tax on meth.

Well of course you listen to the dealer I mean he has no alterier motive for convincing you to take drugs... Now your doctor on the other hand makes a living off of turning you into a drug addict.

You need to see some before and after pictures of meth users. It's so scary I swear it borderlines the supernatural. Drugs are evil.

trust me, meth is bad for you!!! I've seen the affects on people....they get lost and you can never find them again....

Well, the doctor is just trying to sell you drugs, but the dealer has been through years of school and is dedicated to your personal well-being. Trust the dealer.

I don't need advice from a doctor or a dealer in this matter I can decide for myself, by using commonsense, something you seem to be lacking

We could ask Larry, oh wit he is dead from a stroke whiole being too amped up. ahhh oh there is Karen, once a very pretty hot lady, but, she is strung out on heroin now, and yes, all drugs are gateways to other drugs. Ok uh there is Frank, no, he was shot because he argued with the dealer that the meth he bought was not making enough smoke, btu ha does noty have to worry about it now, well, I have run out of ideas, but I am sure you will come up with somethign

But if the doctor was a conspiracy freak trying to tell me global warming is a hoax I'd be finding a sane doctor

does that mean that your dealer is right?

Well played, and so applicable as to what is happening concerning the burning of fossil fuels.

There is where you are responsible to ascertain who is logically right. For example is there a hidden motive? Who is out for your best interests? Does science and experience back up one decision over the other. Is the Doctor or Pusher prone to lying? Many more reasonable questions have to be answered by you. You have a responsibility to learn the truth. You just can't go through life giving other people a blank check on your life. Have a backbone and make you own decisions based upon yours and other people's experiences. If you go through life letting other people making decisions for you, buddy, you are in for a rough road.

Now your question is an oversimplification and cannot be seriously answered by just a black vs white type of logic. There have been many doctors who have pushed drugs for various reasons, which detrimentally effected the person who took them. Michael Jackson, is a good example.

EDIT: Preacher: Stop seeking the truth from losers. The Bible will have the answers you seek.

Very apt question .... I am not sure though that your point is understood.

Best not accept the advice of the doctor - all that exposure to peer reviewed science & decades of study surely means they are biased :)

If a psychic tells you...