> Did Bill Nye really shred a 'Climate Change denier' as Yahoo claims?

Did Bill Nye really shred a 'Climate Change denier' as Yahoo claims?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Bill Nye is a child entertainer, why would anyone take anything he says seriously? I think it speaks volumes about the man-made Global Warming con-job that they can't find a real scientist to be their advocate. Of course Al Gore is not a scientist either and his movie has no scientist of any kind appearing.

The media has to stack the deck in favor Nye, otherwise he would just get laughed off the stage.


Many of our congressional representatives are painfully ignorant of science. She says that neither she nor Nye is a climate scientist, but she certainly doesn't want to listen to climate scientists either, that's the problem. It's not that Bill Nye is a brilliant scientist, it's that he is a realist that doesn't deny what is widely accepted in science, and people like Rep. Blackburn (alas, from my home state) do.

It's become common for Republican politicians to say "I am not a scientist" and pretend that there is some active debate going on in the scientific community about whether we should be worrying about global warming or not--and that's simply not true. Anthropogenic global warming is a problem that we need to address, not deny.

Let's stop pretending it doesn't exist and try to find the best way to deal with it. Perhaps there are free market solutions that would be acceptable to conservatives, but denial is not the answer.

No he did not. It is not possible as John Oliver has already demonstrated that anytime Bill Nye is debate with a climate skeptic, he needs all the backup he can get.

That was not a debate, the lady was given 24secs (I checked) to make a statement, a few seconds from the commentator, and all the rest was Bill Nye rambling on, including a big lie, the the globe is warming more rapidly than ever, if he wants to debate with a non-scientist he should pick on Marc Morano who would tear him to shreds, I have no doubt that the congresswoman had other things to say and might have said them, but was obviously cut.

Bill Nye is an entertainer and gets paid to say what "he believes".

I believe sun spots are more in control of our warming and cooling and we haven't broken any records for temperature... everything is actually pretty normal.

The poitician has a point, there are still people who deny the science, just like there are people who deny the holocaust.

Bill Nye??!! That guy can't even shred lettuce!

How can anyone who wears a bowtie be taken seriously?
