> Is the weather Channel's statment true or just greenie speak?

Is the weather Channel's statment true or just greenie speak?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The Weather Channel is there to make money. They always hype up bad weather as a means t scare people as a means to get more viewers. How many times to we hear "This could be the BIG one!!!" only to find the on air personalities standing on a sunny beach in mild climate? This should be proof enough that the best way to understand so-called "global warming" is to follow the money....

John Coleman is TV weather clown. He is not a scientist--he has no degrees in meteorology or any other science. He's been around meteorology a long time as a broadcaster, but he's no expert in the subject. Before he retired, he was the weather guy at one of the minor local television stations where I live. He would ask a nightly "weather question", and I had to correct him on it more than once. One time he got his answer wrong because he was simply too lazy to do the research--I wasn't, which is how I knew he was wrong.

On the other hand, The Weather Channel is staffed by many fine meteorologists and climate scientists--actual professionals in the field that have studied the subject. Anything they say wlll necessarily have more science behind it than anything Coleman says.

The Weather Channel was cofounded by John Coleman who is infamous for being on the denial side of climate change. The Weather Channel for quite some time (we have watched it daily for many years) did everything it could to make climate change questions completely disappear, get no discussion or play, and when it may get play to put it down. It's only been recently that they have changed their tune. I am not privy about why. But I'm seeing the change. I'm still quite skeptical that it is only a temporary shift. But time will tell. But one thing is VERY SURE. The founders and current executives at The Weather Channel aren't greenies.

Al Gore and other climate folks want to use weather reports to push their religious policy agenda. They want meteorologists to include discussion of global warming into their weather reports. They are not happy to have their founder speak against the new cause.

It's called "Desperation". The Weather Channel is a joke and not to be relied on for ANY sort of scientific credibility.

This is happening all the time it really makes me p!ssed off, we get theories for answers, never evidence and hard facts, I get really fed up with everyyone saying sea ice is melting when it is NOT, that sea level is rising and our cities will get flooded, when the rise really very minimal, saying deserts are growing when they are receding, extreme weather is increasing when we have an all time hurricane low, tornado low, and wild fires have reduced.

I don't have a crystal ball so I can tell what the future holds, but for the present everything is FINE and I have no reason to be believe it will not stay that way.

Has John Coleman sued Al Gore yet, like he said he would?

Lets first establish who is full of empty rhetoric and then take it from there.

You don't believe it so it must be true


