> Is the 97% consensus a propaganda technique?

Is the 97% consensus a propaganda technique?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, if there were no actual numbers and we just told you that the vast majority of climate scientists accept AGW, you would probably reject what we said. If the split was 52/48 would it be a propaganda technique? How about 60/40? 80/20? At what percentage does it cease to be data and becomes propaganda instead?

The term "propaganda" is value-based. and implies that the data are false. Using the survey in an essay would make it a rhetorical technique--not propaganda. And the consensus is neither propaganda nor a technique--it's a consensus.'

EDIT: By the way, it's clear from the revision history that propagandists are trying to use this Wikipedia article as propaganda.

The thing is, if there are more than 3% of all publishing geophysicists who generally don't accept the theory that anthropogenic CO2 is affecting global climate, they sure don't make a lot of noise about it, considering the scope and importance of the problem and the economic and social effects of the proposed solutions. I would think that if a significant fraction of scientists didn't generally support the conclusions of the IPCC, we would not continually hear from the same climate skeptic "experts" over and over and over again. (This is especially true when it is so lucrative being a climate skeptic. For example, Richard Lindzen averaged about $100k per year research funding before he became a climate skeptic. Afterwards, it was around $1,000k, a factor of ten increase. He did pretty well for himself. And John Christy would be nothing more than a brief footnote in the annals of bad data analysis for screwing up the microwave sounder data for so many years if he were not also a climate skeptic.)

Actually, it is a very good propaganda technique. See how many suckers it conned? This 97% consensus fiasco is a formula written by Alinsky in his rules for radicals.

? Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Of course Alinsky was a well known Communist. He was more bent on gaining power that doing good to humanity or anything else. But his formula works and it is all propaganda.

It is simply that when you look at the research, conducted by people who research climate, published in science journals that publish scientific research -- you can't find more than 3% of those researchers who do not believe humanity is warming the troposphere via enhancing the greenhouse effect.

That there remains some great debate about that is myth, propagated by political lobbyists who do not want you to know how well established the theory is. Every measure, every polling, every journal shows that there are very few people who don't believe it. I'm not sure there are any who think human influence is 0%. The 3% are more like John Christy who believe that there must be some yet unfound, unknown natural cause that is responsible for at least 50% of the ongoing trend of 0.14 degrees per decade warming that he provides each month to NASA. At least Christy does not pretend that he is in the minority.

There is no yet known natural cause that fits the observations.

Christian Conservatives have been 'at war' with Science since the beginning of Modern Science.

Pawns of propaganda believe Rush Limbaugh and The Koch Bros are telling the truth and Neil deGrasse Tyson is a liar.

No. Science is not about shows of hands. It is about evidence. If a hypothesis has not yet passed rigorous testing by the scientific community, the views of different scientists about this hypothesis varies greatly. But if the evidence in favor of the hypothesis is compelling to the point that scientists can't ignore such evidence, then they will all tend to agree with they hypothesis.

Stop panicking. William Connolly has woken up now and corrected it.

Check the view history for 7:29 21 Aug 2014. "better to use a non-controversial example"

Yes considering its only 77 Scientist

Remember - 99.9% of Crypto zoologists believe Big Foot is real and they have plenty of peer reviewed papers to support their position. And since you're not a Crypto zoologist you have no ability to question their expertise. Global warming is a lot like believing is Big Foot.

Have you ever considered that maybe 97% of the things you ask are really uninteresting? Maybe you should take a timeout and think about that, huh?

On the Wiki propaganda techniques page:

"Inevitable victory: invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action. (e.g., "The debate is over. 97% of scientists agree")" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques

Or is there a Wiki editor asleep at the switch?

Well it is not there now it has been removed, and guess by who, yes William Connelly, the self appointed censor of Wikipedia.

it was 40 degrees in the Midwest in July this year

If you were looking for one of those cushy Government jobs - you would agree too.