> Why do peope think Global warming is real?

Why do peope think Global warming is real?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it.

But most of the promoters of this SCAM have something to gain by it. There are trillions of dollars to be made if the Leftists pushing this fraud get the laws enacted they want.

Green is the new Red.

The man-made Global Warming scam is just a branch of the Green movement and it's goals are 1) power, 2) money and 3) the establishment of world socialism.

Isn't it funny that Warmist/Environmentalist goals would accomplish everything the Leftist/Commies have been trying to achieve on a global scale since the early 1940's? That is no accident or coincidence.

You will note that the real Warmist/Environmentalist goals have nothing to do with the environment or the little furry creatures, it's all about gaining power and maintaining that power.

In Russia and China they call these people Communist, in America they call them Democrats or Liberals or Warmists or Environmentalists. In Germany in the early 1940's they called them Nazis. They are all the same.

The reason socialism is so popular with tyrants is because it allows them to maintain their power much more easily than in a true republic. Socialism serves to get the entire population under the government's thumb. Under socialism/collectivism you have no rights, you do as you are told. You own no property and you dare not speak out against the powers that be, unless you want to find yourself in a re-education camp or dead, depending on the harshness of the regime.

In America we are not quite to that point yet but we are swiftly moving in that direction.

If the Warmist/Environmentalist/Communist/Nazis... whatever you want to call them have their way, we will be an enslaved population just like much of the world is under Communism and other tyrannical regimes.

But the new excuse for your collectivist enslavement will be 'for the planet' instead of 'for the fatherland.'


temps have gone up and down threw out history . the highest earth temps were during the Carboniferous period when atmospheric CO2 levels went just above 360 ppm .

on 12 21 12 atmospheric CO2 hit 400 ppm . that is the tipping point , the point of no return . the earth WILL go into an irrevesible permanent greenhouse effect , we will be like venus - 700 degrees F at noon . by 2023 , after 5 years of world wide crop failures , food will be made from people ( shades of soylent green ) , by 2033 the seas will have boiled off into space and humanity turns to dust . money won't help . the secret government bunkers won't help . the deniers die too .

just for full disclosure , how much does the oil and coal industries pay you to deny the truth ?

Because this time all the people feels the very hot and warm in the night time then the think Global warming is real.

There's no global warming, never was and never will be. The only thing that is happening is the natural cycle of our Solar system doing whatever it feels like doing, without consulting us. Sometimes, it gets hot, sometimes it gets cold. There's no equation to it, no logic. Not everything is mathematical.

Or perhaps it is, but we sure do not understand the mechanisms yet. Science is still in its infancy when it comes to studying our planet, let alone the Sun's playground. We sure do presume too much. Still, it stands to logic. Using the word green, which used to denote bad and dangerous things in the past, is all of a sudden the magic key to all kinds of doors, especially false pretensions and high-society flair. You might as well develop a nuclear aircraft carrier but as long as crew's mess coffee cups are made of recycled Styrofoam, then everything si going to be all right. Global warming, my ***.

Because it is. @ 99% of all real scientists accept global warming. The deniers however will argue fruitlessly that it is not caused by human emissions. BUT it is caused by human emissions. In fact 97% of published climatologists (the people who actually study climate) are convinced it is human induced emissions Think for your self, don't be led around by your nose like the DA deniers here

The earth has been here for 3.45 billion years. A change in temperature will not destroy the earth.

However, the rapid change in global temperature of a few degrees is having major effects on the organisms living on the planet. Animals and plants are unable to adjust quickly enough to changes in rainfall and temperatures. Where food was once abundant to support a system of plants and animals, it is now scarce. Where there was once enough water to support agriculture to feed millions of people, the land stricken by drought

Yes, the earth will continue to rotate the sun. And, in the next few decades, massive famines will cause millions of people to riot. Governments will fall, terrorism will increase, and our standard of living in the US will drop.

While you would prefer that science be wrong in respect to global warming, your wish does not correspond to reality.

It is so bizarre that you are willing to trust so much that science has brought us - computers, cell phones, latex paint, lava lamps - and yet allow political beliefs and wishful thinking to overrun the climate science. Or, perhaps you think that magic made cell phones, computers, LCDs and breast implants?

trillions of years? sure.

we're not destroying the planet, just changing the ecosystem on which little humans depend on. Like peeing in your drinking water- not good.

Well it is. However it is clear that your mind is made up and no matter what facts are thrown your way, you will chose to ignore them and throw up some internet link that fundamentally doesn't understand climate science.

Human beings have caused numerous species to become extinct and large areas of the ocean to become dead zones. Why is it so hard to believe that we could influence the weather? Because fixing it could reduce corporate profits, that's why.

Because that's what all the evidence points to.

And, no, we can't destroy the planet. But no one sane is claiming that we are. The biosphere is... a lot smaller and more fragile, and we're pretty heavily trashing that...

I dont get why people are falling for this scam, there is no way that a measly little being could effect a vast world with anything, the world is a hostile place and we where unlucky to land on it and call it our own. The earth has been here for billions maybe trillions of years and people think a pathetic little race can destroy it!

Because it is, your right wing fever dreams don't change that

It's the new religion. One has to pop up every now and then.

Because of the great grand world domination conspiracy of this environmental / warmist / communist / Nazi: