> Is Mideast terrorism a science?

Is Mideast terrorism a science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Terrorism, my first awakening......to answer your question yes because if you can't find the beginning then you certainly can't predict the end.



The Mujahideen were Afghan rebels in the 80's fighting against the Russians. They were completely funded and trained by the USA via the Reagan administration. There top general(whatever you want to call it) leader was a man by the name of Osama Bin Laden, Osama is a CIA asset who has been on there payroll since his death in 2002 from kidney failure. Osama Bin Laden and the Mujahideen defeated Russian forces(per say) and it was this that birthed Al-Queda, translation "the base". After the cold war the new Bush and Clinton administrations began funding Al Queda via there black budgets through the CIA. They created the enemy and provided him and his men with the necessary training to pull off the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Much more detail if you want the FULL story let me know this is just the summary.

Here is the highest level Illuminati member ever brought to the public eye talking about the New World Order. This speech was on 9/11/91........10 years to the day before 9/11

>just like AGW-denial is a tactical component of a political strategy.

I first read that as just like AGW is a tactical component of a political strategy. Had to check to see if Gary was the author. Indeed, AGW is a component of a political strategy to implement the Green religious agenda. Indeed, now we have people claiming that recycling and bicycling are needed to stop global warming.

Also, with regards to Hey Dook's question as to pinpointing when it started, many of the people who support AGW, seem to think it is relevant. The majority of people who think 9/11 was an inside job are supporters of AGW, and for them it is relevant as to when or how or whether it started.

Terrorism is a tactical component of a political strategy - just like AGW-denial is a tactical component of a political strategy. Neither are science - and only someone scientifically illiterate would interpret Hey Dook's question the way you have. The issue of when something begins and when it can be detected are not the same thing - just ask any scientist who studies diseases..

I think the closest analogy I could come up with is that Alarmists too often would have you believe that we were the cause of the acts of terror on us as they believe we were the cause of the earth to warm with our CO2 emissions. Alarmists have a blame America first policy. That is what passes for knowledge in the public schools, MSM, and their Berkeley professors.

Now you are just lying again stupidly. Surprise Surprise. We can be confident that you got Ds and Fs in science classes, based on the pitiful ignorance that has yielded more "best answers" in faster time, than almost anyone else in the history of this category, but somewhere along the way you DID learn how to read and write in English. So you probably DO know what the word ANALOGY means.


GW denier analogy: Does the threat of Mideast terrorism depend on pin-pointing an exact year when it "began"?


"Is it true the IPCC states that man-made Global Warming began in the mid-1950's?"

When will MM post 1234 "questions" denying the existence of Al Qaeda, et. al.?

Hmm interesting you get 7 answers Dorks original question only got 2.

Not it's not, but I'm 95% certain global warming contributes to the uptick in terrorist activities we have seen lately. And my computer model says terrorist activity will continue to rise unless we do something about all this CO2.

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Our friendly and sometimes not so friendly participant on this site VI (Otherwise affectionately known as the Village Idiot, 6 or the Dorkster) suggested that since you couldn't pinpoint the start of Mideastern terrorism you reasonably couldn't pinpoint the start of Global Warming.

Since VI blocks many who love true science and expound on it frequently on this site I thought I would alter the question a little and open it up to all, as I am not afraid of the answer and I like to be fair.