> When do u think global warming will really effect our planet?

When do u think global warming will really effect our planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And why isn't much getting done about it?

Rolando has a good answer; I have only one minor correction to it. The deniers of science on this website are, for the most part, far too ignorant to be "conspiracy THEORISTS." They have sufficient arrogance and dishonesty, but far too little intelligence. They are anti-science conspiracy theory DUPES and TOOLS.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”

Well Charlotte, that's something I've also contemplated Global warming is already affecting the planet. Research shows the climate is changing in response to man’s activities. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing, Well take care Charlotte.

well we're some minor effects now but scientists truly can give a more accurate answer. I think within 100 years are so we'll be seeing major effects. There isnt much being done because theres so much corruption in politics they are getting paid under the table by companies so they can keep polluting. I even read in a school textbook that companies from the u.s. are even paying off politicans in mexico to dump chemicals in some areas. Oil companies also make so much money off cars they dont want alternate vehicles that are much cleaner. Corruption and greediness is the reason nothing much is being done.

You are asking the wrong question because before you can ask when, you should ask IS global warming effecting our planet, then you should ask will global warming be BAD for our planet, and then you should ask CAN we do something about it, then when it is decided WHAT we should do, then you can ask WHY it is not being done.

Well Charlotte, that's something I've also mused over I'm not sure what you mean by really effect, seriously the real effects of global warming have been around for thousands of years. I hope this answers your question.

It is kind of affecting it now.

But if you mean effecting earth a lot then it could be many thousands of years or never.

It would be nice to have a warm day. Its been another cold winter, and last summer was pants!

Global warming has always affected the planet. Without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) The problem today is that we have added 40% more CO2 ( a known greenhouse gas) to the atmosphere and this is causing the earth's atmosphere to retain more of the sun's heat and this will change the weather patterns.

The reason there isn't much done about it is because we have to rely on science and there is a concerted effort to undermine the science, just like the science about tobacco smoke causing cancer was undermined by the tobacco industry, the science about AGW is undermined by the fossil fuel industry. They are trying to protect their business and using their advertising budget to both advertise for their product as being "clean" and to threaten to withhold that money from mass media if they tell the facts. They also use lobbying and reward/punishment of more/less employment (investment) to persuade politicians to support their business. This is true in all countries and used as an excuse not to act on the science and just like a child those politicians will say something along the lines of "other nations are not doing anything either so why should we?"

Sadly science alone won't persuade most people, weather events will. As can be seen by the fact that people are more likely to accept AGW when a super storm hits, even though science alone can not say with 100% accuracy if the super storm was caused by AGW.

The good news is that things are starting to change towards accepting the science, I think we will do something, but we will not do enough until there is acceptance of the problem by the fast majority of the worlds population. Even here on yahoo answers climate change deniers are mostly extreme free marketeers or conspiracy theorists with a sprinkling of young earth creationist.

Global warming is already affecting the planet. Research shows the climate is changing in response to man’s activities. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing, the temperature of the Earth is rising, the oceans are becoming more acidic, glaciers and polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, the probability of severe weather events is increasing, and weather-related natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more costly.

The first reference below shows an picture some of the changes that global warming is making in the Earth and the second explains why very little is being done about it. There is a well-funded climate change denial machine whose main purpose is to spread doubt about the need for action.

>When do u think global warming will really effect our planet?

I really loved the curiosity you are showing by asking that question. But one thing you MUST keep in mind to prevent being erred is that Global Warming is a phenomenon that is CONTINUOUSLY occurring and is CONTINUOUSLY affecting our planet, more and more by each year.

Now, suppose we say that this mall or a tower is being constructed, it is CONTINUOUSLY HAPPENING and IS CONTINUOUSLY AFFECTING our surroundings!! You see why the Northern and the Southern caps are melting, you know that it is due to Global Warming. You see temperatures rising in your part of the world and winters getting less fun year by year, you know it IS affecting us!!

>And why isn't much getting done about it?

NOW HERE, we come to the interesting part, (note that I'm using the source listed below for the points)

"Vice–President Al Gore and some scientists say population growth is causing global warming. But there is much disagreement in the scientific community about this. Seventy–nine scientists issued the "Leipzig Declaration" in 1995 saying ". . . There does not exist today a general scientific consensus about . . . greenhouse warming . . ." Additionally, the satellite readings of global temperature, available on the NASA Web site at www.nasa.com, do not show a warming trend. And further, respected climatologists such as Hugh Ellsaesser, Richard S. Lindzen and Robert C. Balling vigorously dispute the notion of a global warming danger."



As demonstrated by the previous answers, global warming is a meaningless name unless it is defined. If you mean that warming caused by man, we don't know how much that is and if it is even significant. We are doing a lot but accomplishing nothing but getting governments more involved in the economy. The socialists and fascists are getting stuff done but isn't helping the climate and the rest of us are losing.

And why isn't much getting done about it?

Of course it will effect.It effect the weather condition. We can see how the weather condition is getting worse day bay day. We do not gain enough rain in rainy season.

It will start affecting our planet about 100 years ago (where have you been?).

There really is nothing you can do about it. To affect it at this point, we would have to stop using all carbon based fuels. Take this next week and go without using anything that was produced by burning carbon based fuels and you will quickly see why this will never come about.

GW is here and already taking a toll on the planet. failing to accept the reality of man made GW doesn't change the reality of it.


Ellsaesser Is a diehard denier, a meteorologist NOT a climatologist he has long been a GW denier and was a denier in regard to CFCs causing a hole in the ozone

Lindzen another long time denier studied Math and Physics but is not a climatologist either Associated with the Cato Institute which has received money from Exxon

balling studied Geography and again is not a climatologist. Associated with heartland and apparently receives a stipend from them Heartland has long received money from big oil for denying GW

Whoever told you these guys were climatologists LIED to you

The gullible and the weak minded believe anything but the truth. The inquisitive seek the truth

the globle warming effected the weather ...it is why ..when i went 3 years ago in south india thete were not too hot as today these days...and rainfall is also uncertain..and many more

Of course it will.

Antarctica will melt. Water levels will more 7 feet. And many more.

Nothing done because nothing can be done. It's natural just like the previous 1000s of times it occurred.

I'm not sure what you mean by really effect, seriously the real effects of global warming have been around for thousands of years.


Because when it gets too hot everyone will just open their fridges for a week and the problem is solved

Global Warming is a natural phenomena. Man can't do anything to affect Earth's temperature.

yes of course it harms animals as well as plants

Its affecting it right now. Havent you noticed?

Yes, we all died last week.