> How will you motivate the staff as a leader to achieve zero % pollution?

How will you motivate the staff as a leader to achieve zero % pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Stop people from breathing out CO2? Stop people from sweating? Stop animals from pooping?

We can't even stop the garbage coming out of Al Gore's mouth, let alone anyone's natural functions. This has to be a grade school science question.

Motivation is quite different from achieving 0% pollution.

I calculate that if I could reduce my carbon footprint to zero the world would last for an extra one seventh of a second! If I just reduced my carbon footprint by 10% that goes down to 1/70 seconds.

Do you actually mean pollution or do you mean carbon dioxide emissions? The two are quite different regardless of how some people try to conflate them.

I am tempted to say that you should just "play the game". Step 1, request a budget and more staff! Then involve the staff in making suggestions. Implement some of the best ones and award gold stars to the people whose ideas you adopt. It is important to get this "buy-in" from the staff. Also, if it goes wrong you can show that it is not your fault!

If you can save resources in some way or the release of toxic chemicals then you are winning. If you are hoping to stop the climate changing then whatever you do will not make a measureable difference. You should not point that out, though. It could be career limiting.

As long as there is human life on the planet, there will never be zero pollution

zero pollution is not possible

Let the BEATINGS continue until morale improves!!!


Destroy the planet wholly and completely then there will be no more pollution. Its the only way.

That will be extremely difficult, as a lot of people are being to realise there is no global warming, I suggest you study propaganda techniques.