> What might account for the change in reading trends?

What might account for the change in reading trends?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, I used to "read" a lot of Hustler magazines. Now I can just download porn off the internet.

The old saying is `reading makes a perfect man'

Kindle came down in price. Ebooks are taking over. I like paper books personally but everything is going ebooks.

Cherry picking.

The internet, TV and ebooks, moslty due to convenience, speed and costs. For example, my Kindle contains hundreds of books, is smaller than one book and allows me to purchase books at pretty low prices.

But for the theme of this site. Global warming is causing people to stop reading.


Two thumbs down. Mea culpa, kindles are big and bulky. Is that what you want to hear?

Is this question about global warming?


I don't get your question