> The solution to global warming!!!!!!!?

The solution to global warming!!!!!!!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
we should get a really big air conditioner and put it on the moon facing earth so we can cool down what do you think

"I think the government should stop making the sun stay out longer with the "extra hours". No one really benifits and if there is less sun then the earth gets less hot and I know they only created more sun for ww2 but its not ww2 anymore its 2013 so I think they should make no more extra hours so the sun doesnt have to stay up longer to make more light and heat and warming. Thoughts?"

Yes, my thought is that you should not give up your day job to go into comedy.

global worming is over Obama lowered the seas and healed the land with just a wisp of his hand , He freed Zimmerman and stopped bigotry . He has healed the blind and fed the hungry , yes Obama did this all on his own . He did not let the Mexicans get the guns or cost us so much in debt .

I think you have hit the nail on the head, while trying to miss it!

There are too many people trying to do something. Check with the American Democratic party. They will tell you, "There are simply too many people!" We need more abortion and government mandates. Following in the heroic foot steps of F.D. Rosevelt, and his protege, L.B. Johnson, one more real nice war, and global warming will be over!

All we really need is a dimmer switch on the Sun.

Problem solved.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

the sun is pretty good. Maybe they want to make some differences so that they can use this technical research to control the development of commercial charge, energy using and so on.

Silly man...we need to each boil our kettle with less water I it and walk or cycle more...unless you eat cabbage before you cycle and give off large volumes of methane as you ride...fart powered bikes it this the answer to transport of the future? ?

Other than saving some energy, which results in less carbon dioxide emissions, Daylight Savings Time has no effect on climate.

To solve global warming, use clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power.

Feckless child.

Yes, yes they should.

I think the government should stop making the sun stay out longer with the "extra hours". No one really benifits and if there is less sun then the earth gets less hot and I know they only created more sun for ww2 but its not ww2 anymore its 2013 so I think they should make no more extra hours so the sun doesnt have to stay up longer to make more light and heat and warming. Thoughts?