> How many polar bears will die this year because of so-called "global warming"?

How many polar bears will die this year because of so-called "global warming"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Probably the same as last year, give or take a few, and the year before that, and the year before that, and so on.........................................

Many of the posts about global warming are posted by paid lobbists. Good to keep that in mind.

i have a feeling you really don't give a sh!t


Big Oil (your pals) don't care


You would need to ask an expert on Arctic ecosystems.

I'll go with none. They survived the warm period 1000 or so years ago. It's nowhere near that warm now. They'll be fine.

Well, they caused it. All that farting in frigid temperatures magnifies the potency of methane, causing the gas to explode in the atmosphere setting off a chain reaction that turns air molecules to acid and that's why my mom won't let me go out in the rain without an umbrella.

None, because of doctor who.
