> Solutions to help stop hurricanes?

Solutions to help stop hurricanes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Maybe some sort of cap and trade scheme?

I suspect you're fighting a losing battle trying to stop hurricanes. Hurricanes also provide essential rainfall to many areas, so if you do manage to stop them you may be creating other problems.

People have tried cloud seeding--there was something called Project Stormfury, which seeded hurricanes with silver iodide. It was not clear at all whether the seeding accomplished anything, useful or otherwise. That's typical of cloud seeding experiments, there are too many uncontrolled variables to really know what you're doing.

Since water vapor provided by very warm sea surface temperature is the "fuel" for hurricanes, if you could cool the water down somehow then that should weaken a hurricane as it passes over it. I seem to recall somebody suggesting a bunch of stirring machines that would bring cooler water from below the surface up to the top--kind of like what they do with citrus groves on cold nights, but in reverse. As I recall this at least seemed to have some order-of-magnitude plausibility to it, although I think in practice it would not be feasible.

Instead of trying to stop hurricanes, it would be better if people did long-term planning for them, rather than pretend they'll never be affected. Then if they could heed the warnings, which recently have given at least several days notice before severe storms, they would be much better off.

Even if we could stop hurricanes it's a stupid idea stop the release of so much energy without knowing where that energy is going to end up.

Hurricanes are natural and essential. Might as well say you want to stop the rain because you get wet and don't like it.

Our education system has become anti-education and is driven by political and religious fundamentalism - both highly dangerous - and they have dumbed down the population to such an extent I'm wondering if we're headed back into the primordial soup.

Hi Austin If they know how to make the then I guess they can stop them as well Allot of money changes hands when the devastation has to be rebuilt or repaire. http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/obama...

Hurricanes are being made more extreme by climate change, and by the development of wetlands. Wetlands are a natural barrier to hurricanes, and the destruction of wetlands removes that natural barrier, which causes more extreme consequences.

I agree with pinder, if we could just tax all fuel then hurricanes will be a thing of the past, kinda like when that esteemed scientist told us snow will be a thing of the past and our children just won't know what snow is, so I say tax tax and more tax

Throwing rocks in the air to weigh down the storm