> With large snowfall and snow cover in Siberia this year, many are fortecasting a cold winter for Europe and N.E America?

With large snowfall and snow cover in Siberia this year, many are fortecasting a cold winter for Europe and N.E America?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is even a paper on it http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ost/climate/STIP/FY11CTBSeminars/jcohen_062211.pdf

An interesting paradox, because Siberian winters are usually too cold for much snow. If all such forecasts happen, that would probably involve a shift of energy from Europe and NE America, probably due to shifts in the jet stream.

While there is climate change going on (either warming or cooling -- makes little difference which), the current global trend does seem to be towards warming. This means the average temperature is going up. but temperature is a measure of how much energy is being stored in the atmosphere, not that all temperatures are rising.

So, it can mean that springs and summers will be warmer, while winters and autumns will be colder.

As for forecasting... the forecasts are based on historical records and averages calculated from those records. Which, by the way, is how almanacs "predict" the weather without the numeric computations. SInce the atmospheric models are not that good, you can be sure of one thing -- specifics about the conditions for the northern winter are indicative, not exact. So, it's not so much fortune telling as trying to make predictions numeric and seem like they are exact.

Climate and weather are different beasts. Climate is long term statistics while weather is what is happening today, tomorrow and next week.

However, and this is part where you really need to pay close attention, climate change is influencing some of our current weather extremes. If that doesn't register with the rational side of your brain, just power it down, stand up and spin in circles for a few minutes.

Climate is not the weather outside today, it is trends over many years. Why can't sceptics grasp that climate change will produce more frequent extremes in weather both hot and cold.

Global warming is also known as the greenhouse effect and the gases involved are called greenhouse gases because concentrations of toxic gases in the Earth’s atmosphere prevent heat from escaping back into space just as the glass walls and roof of a greenhouse prevent heat from escaping a greenhouse.

Global warming isn’t just about rising temperatures; it’s about the effects of those higher temperatures:

?Stormier storms: Rising sea temperatures release more water vapor into the air above the ocean. When hurricanes form, they pick up this increased vapor, which creates a more intense storm.

?Chillier cold: In some northern areas, melting snow and ice cool the sea water that currently offers a moderating effect on those areas. When storms occur, this added moisture can fuel heavier precipitation in the form of more intense rain or snow.

?Drier deserts: Arid areas can expect to be drier for longer periods each year, and other areas may become drier.

Wading into the effects of global warming on water

Changes in temperature affect the planet’s lakes, rivers, and oceans dramatically.

?Drought conditions, caused primarily by dried-up water sources and dramatically reduced rainfall. The amount of land affected by drought worldwide has doubled in the last 30 years.

?Increased flooding due to rising sea levels, unusually heavy rainfall, and rapidly melting snow.

As everyone knows, colder winters fits perfectly with the AGW theory. Also, warmer winters fits perfectly with the AGW theory. Why can't deniers like you accept the fact that everything is caused by AGW and whatever happens proves the AGW theory? Have you ever read a science book?

It's quite obvious no one bothered to read the paper or are familiar with Cohen's research about Eurasia's areal snow cover in October.

Climate change covers everything. Unlike global warming.

Jas B.

I cannot let you get away with so much misinformation.

Stormier weather, where it is now a record days without landfall http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbDmpT...



Deserts are receding http://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress...

Every time we have had warming the world gets wetter http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrTHRXTU...


Stop spouting propaganda and show evidence

not a question

There is even a paper on it http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ost/climate/STIP/FY11CTBSeminars/jcohen_062211.pdf