> What are some potential consequences of global warming?

What are some potential consequences of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well if we did get some global warming, I would expect the sea level to rise a bit more, but seeing it is only rising at 6 inches per 100yrs I don't it think it would be too worrying.

I also expect some changes in agriculture, like those places that are growing barley, might change to wheat, those growing wheat, might change to corn and so on.

I also expect an increase in food production, with more growing degree days GDD's

I expect a warming world would be a wetter world because of more evaporation, droughts might be less,

but floods more.

Lands nearer the poles might change, tundra may reduce, pine forests taking over parts of the tundra, and deciduous trees taking over parts of the pine forests.

Animals would not really be affected with their abilities to move and adapt, and they would probably increase in numbers as a warming world would be a more productive world, of course some species might suffer, polar bears and seals maybe, but seeing as they managed with the Eemian warm interglacial, I am sure they would survive.

Apart from gradual rise in sea levels and an increase in floods, I am finding it hard to imagine any adverse consequences.

Rising sea levels, violent storms, deadly heat waves.

Snow will be a thing of the past!

flooding of coastal cities