> Need an idea for a climate change Christmas gift?

Need an idea for a climate change Christmas gift?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Buy or deny?

Give someone tree planting tools. It's not that much expensive and it could save our mother nature Or if you like, give them recycling tools or waste disposal tools that they can use at home for safety and to have an environment friendly living...

Well Man Made Climate Change means DEATH for all life so for your christmas gift, you can take it from here. Mike


A tin foil hat might be appropriate.

But alarmist always tell me that I can't call it CATASTROPHIC Anthropogenic Global Warming.

"We never called it CAGW. That's a denier myth. Define catastrophe. We just claim that the world will be a barren wasteland and that all civilization will perish. We never said that there will be any catastrophes. Just that really, really bad things will happen. You know, it will be catas....errr.... really, really bad. "

A solar panel or a gift subscription to wind or nuclear derived electricity.

Try a Stein vs the Stick coffee mug or T-shirt. At the least buy gift certificates to help fund the legal case.


A gift certificate for a psych analysis.

Buying that will only encourage more of the same so personally I would deny it.

If you regularly associate with CAGW advocates I would suggest small fire extinguishers as appropriate gifts.

Most of them seem to suffer from LLPOF (liar liar pants on fire) syndrome & having an extinguisher handy during frequent flareups might help them save on their wardrobe expenses.

An All American Home Canner as the hobby of preserving food could be a life saver if food production is disrupted by climate change.

Note, even a total collapse would not mean no food all the time. It would mean greater variability in availability and hence in pricing. The ability to preserve the food would help minimize costs.


Buy or deny?

go to a plant store

buy a seedling tree as a gift

but packages of seeds -- they could be planted in the ground (outside) or in pots (inside)

It's fairly inexpensive and Naomi is an interesting person to listen to and read, so it might be worth a shot.

If someone doesn't like geologists, though, you shouldn't give it to them, since that's what her background is.

That book might be good for laughs , Its a alarmist doomsday book

An incandescent bulb