> If you had a magic wand to get a specific result in climate change, what would it be and what are your biggest roadblock

If you had a magic wand to get a specific result in climate change, what would it be and what are your biggest roadblock

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If I had a magic wand? I would replace every single coal power plant with a locationally appropriate non-fossil-fuel alternative (solar, wind, tidal, biofuel, geothermal, nuclear, some combination of the above, et cetera). If there was enough magic left over, I'd also set up systems to turn all of the world's farming waste, excrement, and other discards into fuels, via methane digestion and/or conversion into petroleum equivalents.

The biggest roadblocks to achieving this without a magic wand? Costs (especially short-term, it's almost always cheaper to run an existing plant than to build a new one), and people's resistance to change.

I would have all taxes on energy abolished and all environmental laws deactivated. This wouldn't do anything to the climate, but it would make the working class people's life a lot easier. If you had a magic wand there would be no roadblocks.

I could say a lot in response to try and convince you about climate change, but I won't. You've clearly already made up your mind based on a "hoax". I am asking these questions to people who believe climate change is happening and who have done their research on the extensive amount of scientific studies that supports this (hence the category Environment > Global Warming). Thank you so much for your input though, I can see why you really felt the need to post this.

I would make it so CO2 did not screw up the oceans and the temperature.

The roadblocks are the laws of physics.

I wouldn't do anything because Global Warming is a hoax to raise money in the stock market.

The truth, stumbling block lying politicians.