> Where can I find the latest statistics and info about global warming?

Where can I find the latest statistics and info about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
7 of 9 answers before mine are from global warming deniers.

If you're looking to justify thinking that global warming is not happening or not important, have at it.

On the other hand, Wikipedia has been found to be as accurate as just about any source.

Btw, since there is a predominance of global warming deniers, you can ignore the predominance of thumbs up/down of them agreeing with each other.


So, now that you know where to look, you might consider:


Here's a little more you might be interested in.


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... <== Note that CO2 intercepts a different wavelength than water. In addition, as CO2 warms the oceans, more water evaporates, increasing it's effectiveness.

There is a lot of information available. The measure of temperatures of the troposphere that I most often use is produced from satellite measures managed by the University of Alabama Hunstville under contract to NASA.

Since they started producing this data in 1978, they calculate warming at a linear rate of 0.14 degrees C per decade (1.4 degrees C per century; 2.5 degrees F per century). It is not even by region for various reasons: the north polar region has been warming at a rate of 4.5 degree C per century, and the south polar region has not been warming or cooling on average.


For more explanation about what is happening and how we know, the best place to go is our National Academy of Sciences. This is the forum where America's greatest scientists inform the nation on matters of complex science. That is the very reason that the NAS exists, to clearly give the voice of real science above the ignorant chatter.

This booklet is co-produced by the Royal Society, the famed national science academy of The UK.


Ignore the idiot yahoos on yahoo. There is a group of rather dim-witted haters of science who say bizarre things. They are truly crackpots. Mostly these are uneducated extreme conservatives who are afraid of what they don't understand.

You can find everything you are looking for in algores cesspool ....

you will learn the 1-single source of global warming, and be able to assess the statistics which you seek.

Go to websites with extensions like .edu and .gov. You'll find actual data, not graphs that look like cartoons and have axes missing, like so many sites with crazy names.that people like Kano put up. Those are crackpot sites put up by people to advance their political agenda.

Kano TY for unblocking me

You have to get over the 17 years no warmijng That started as a lie by David rose and is still a lie Search his nam and look at the MET related sites






All trustworthy, real science sites

Just make stuff up. That's what the global warming "scientists" do. Then have a bunch of your friends who believe as you do look over the paper. Now you can say your facts are peer reviewed!

No warming for 17yrs http://beforeitsnews.com/mediadrop/uploa...

Global ice extent above average

Here are some that have good quantitative information.







it's a bogus political agenda. We are actually at the start of global cooling have been for 120 yrs.


Here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-...

NASA. get it directlty, not from rag papers like dailymail or Kano interpretaton.

wattsupwiththat.com .... has links to all aspects of "AGW"..... Pro, Con and Inbetween.