> Where did Kerry get this 98% or 99% figure of all scientists in the world support Climate Change, hook line and sinker?

Where did Kerry get this 98% or 99% figure of all scientists in the world support Climate Change, hook line and sinker?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This is Kerry doing his part for 'the cause' and for promised BIG DONATIONS to help Democrats get re-elected during the 2014 elections. Billionaire Tom Steyer has planned to spend as much as $100 million to help the Democrats --- so the new drumbeat of the Obama Administration to push the man-made Global Warming SCAM is just them trying to 'earn' their money. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/02/...

And of course, the 97% claim by Alarmists is just pure propaganda. There has never been any valid study to support any such number.

John Cook's laughable 'study' was the last to try and prop-up this claim. Read all about it here:



The number of scientists who accept humans have caused global warming is between 80% and 90%, depending on the source, the remainder is split with between 5% and 10% saying that humans haven’t influenced the climate or are either undecided or non-committal.

If Kerry wants to talk about scientists in general then the factual thing to say would be “more than 80% of scientists”. If he wants to qualify his claim by stating they he’s referring specifically to climate scientists then the figure is 97% (or slightly more).

Kerry is wrong when he makes such claims and I would have thought after his first error that someone would surely have corrected him. Once is a mistake, twice is careless but to keep making the same false claim is unacceptable.

The number of scientists who accept humans have caused global warming is between 80% and 90%, depending on the source, the remainder is split with between 5% and 10% saying that humans haven’t influenced the climate or are either undecided or non-committal.

If Kerry wants to talk about scientists in general then the factual thing to say would be “more than 80% of scientists”. If he wants to qualify his claim by stating they he’s referring specifically to climate scientists then the figure is 97% (or slightly more).

From the 10 surveys summarized in wikipedia.

As you know, Kerry is wrong. it is 98% of CLIMATE scientists that agree human activity is a significant cause. The point of that study is to show that the less people know about AGW, the less they are likely to accept it.

It's the same screwy math that says Obamacare is "affordable."

He cheated. He only counted those scientists who had ever had a course in climatology or ecology and eliminated those who are in the employ of the companies that will benefit by being allowed to pollute.

He got this stat off of the internet which was invented by AL GORE.

I mean, c'mon- everything on the web is 100% true.



He also wants africans to starve Farms are evil release carbon .

out of his ***
